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Carpet - floor potkrytie Office

, 23:07
0 2386
< p style = "text-align: left;"> It happened in our time, that thanks to scientific and technological revolution, now all the major issues and "battle" reshayutsya not in the field and in the office. Soviet slogans like "is not stokers, we are not carpenters" gradually gives way to the prevalence and prestige "office-collar" (primarily in the human mind). Change of scenery, so to speak, or place of work objectively creates very different demands working conditions. If you work in the fieldx subconsciously prepares one to the absence of most of the benefits, then sitting in an office building, on the other hand, creates a certain analogy with a homey feel. Accordingly, it is necessary to create comfort for a comfortable and efficient operation. Nothing else is not associated to such an extent with the comfort of home, like carpeting. But to do in the office of the carpet covering Affairsa very troublesome due to the perimeter areas, requires an individual approach, but it is expensive and time consuming. Excellent alternative can serve as a carpet that is not inferior to traditional carpets, but also has a number of advantages:

- it is an excellent heat and noise insulation coating;
- antistatic properties;
- Practicality (resistance to dirt, damage, ease of cleaning);
- economy (carpet comes in rolls of various widths, easy to cut and allows a perfect cover any configuration space).

In addition, also have excellent wear resistance, which is very important in conditions of constant plotnogof "passenger" in the office premises. Such properties are ensured by the special structure of the office carpet, consisting of several balls of different materials: pile, primary backing fixing layer, a secondary basis. Wear resistance carpet depends on the number and quality of cloth, which is used for the production of wool, polypropenelinen, nylon and jute. The variety of structures, colors, patterns can satisfy any request.

Author: Artlife
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