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Ekstrakorpolyarnoe fertilization - progressive method of treating infertility

, 11:54
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Unfortunately in recent decades ms observe a negative trend possible pairs have a baby. Every year, this statistic is growing, although the standard of living improves. The causes of infertility can be varied: environmental pollution, the contents in the products quality raw materials, technological advances, all combine to affect our health.

Today, couples who need help in the treatment of a population of about 50-80 million. This is grandstanding those who have officially asked for help from health facilities. However, there are those who solve the problem on their own through adoption or artificial insemination .

And so, oneof the leading medical centers, which will help to overcome this problem is in Berlin - Center for Reproductive Medicine "Fertilitet." Here you will be able to fully examined, to identify the causes of infertility and highly qualified doctors appoint more reliable treatments.

Ekstrakorpolyarnoe ALIodotvoreniya - is one of those techniques that apply in their practice medical center "Fertilitet." by this procedure consists of several stages: acceleration of ovulation in women; maturation of follicles and their control; collecting sperm and eggs; implementation of fertilization and control of maturation of embryos transferred and the most QUALITYgovernmental uterus. This method is the most effective method, which has helped to appear on the world is not one child in the world. Therefore, the top priority of which adheres to the practice of the Centre for Reproductive Medicine has increased number of successful artificial insemination.

Author: Artlife
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