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Electric breast pump Dr.Frei. Comfortable and painless pumping milk

, 17:10
0 2167

Many women who became mothers, wondering –and whether it is necessary breast? Milk enough lactation happens consistently, then why make additional manipulation of the breasts?

But it is needed! You do not forget that there is a lactation crises, which often occur in breast-feeding mothers. Over time, the milk becomes smaller. Forto increase it is necessary to feed the baby more often or in between feeding use the pump. This allows intensive to produce milk.

In order to avoid stagnation of milk, you need to constantly express its remnants. Well, if congestion still occurred, the painful places better rastseditall using the breast pump.

The electric breast pump is simply irreplaceable in cases when the mother was ill and isolated from the child. During this period,   the baby can not breastfeed, you can express milk and using a breast pump.

provides automatic suction processI milk from the mother's breast. It provides smooth control of the compression force, which allows to choose the optimal comfort and operation mode. Soft attachment device made of silicone, provides a gentle stimulation of the milk in the breasts of a young mother. This device will significantly improve the procedure itself pumping mother.

The electric breast pump does not contain Dr.Frei « Bisphenol-A » and other hazardous substances. It is completely safe, both for the mother and for the child. Operation of this device is 220V. Operating it pretty easy. It uses only one arm. You just need tomake breast to her chest, for you to choose the optimal mode and press one button.

Buy Breast Dr.Frei you can in a specialty store in your city, in the department of « products for babies and moms & raquo ;. Make a gift to yourself and your child, buying the breast. Also negabout what you can buy, and many other necessary products for babies and mothers:

  • electronic scales;

  • feeding bottles;

  • pacifiers;

  • Children's dishes;

  • antikolikovye nipples;

  • teethers;

  • trays and many other products for mothers and newborns.

Author: Artlife
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