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Why choose prenatal care in a specialized medical center

, 14:39
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For an obstetrician-gynecologist woman calls after obtaining evidence of pregnancy. Health in the gold, but full of doubts and experiences between, needs constant supervision. The doctor will set the schedule, prescribe the necessary tests. It is the responsibility of the future mothers included in the set to visit the doctor time. In order to avoid firstevremennogo delivery, miscarriage, fetal abnormality, the woman should follow the instructions of a specialist. Watching the pregnancy, the doctor promptly drew attention to the warning signs and take the necessary steps to correct them. When multiple pregnancy maintaining an experienced particularly relevant.

Signing a contract for services with the medical center, the woman receives a card exchange, maternity / outpatient sick leave.

In the conduct of pregnancy carried out:

  • Consulting specialists – obstetrician-gynecologist, internist, ophthalmologist aboutkulista. Each doctor examines, draws the conclusion / trends.
  • Laboratory Methods – urine / blood, determination of antibodies of HIV / hepatitis / syphilis.
  • The genetic analyzes, surveys, excluding chromosomal abnormalities.
  • hemostasiogram – determination of glucose, protein, iron, creatinine, Urea, bilirubin, and calcium in the blood clotting properties.
  • Analysis of TORCH-infections – the determination of antibodies of herpes, toxoplasma, rubella, cytomegalovirus.
  • US in 11-13; 18-21; 30-34 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Additional services, surveys and so on., Are discussed on an individual basis.

An analysis of the results of research is not the main thing in the item gynecologist. An experienced doctor is aware, especially in the period of pregnancy, a woman needs an attentive listener. Not every expert is able to carry out an individual approach to each person, many are limited to filling forms. The doctors spereshape the company health center patient flow less attention is paid to every more. Giving birth to the future be sensitive, help to understand the changes of the body, keep a positive attitude. The Doctor realizes that nurturing the baby, most importantly retain not only the physical, but also mental health.

Women need to feel confidence and support not only in the family but also by the competent expert. Informed choices leading pregnancy doctor would be the best contribution to the future life.

Author: Artlife
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