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The emergence and development of photography

, 14:31
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Photos — a small life happy day. Photographs remind us of the days, places, people whoe come our way. Through photos, we remember the many good days. But before the first photos, many years have passed. Previously, to remember some nice and bright day, it drew artists. But it takes a lot of time and does not always work out exactly what it was. And so, many scientists and inventors thought – how to capture moments more quickly than can draw the fastest of the artists. And the first, or even slightly similar to a camera, it was presented in the 3rd century BC. A device called a pinhole device, although it was not exactly a camera – He looked more like a modern projectors. It was a box with an aperture, which, Thanks to a special detail, the image projected on the wall. A first camera was made in 1839 by Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre. But Film development photos from the first camera required a lot of effort.

The transition to digital photography

It was only in 1975, there are the first digital camera, but the pictures,made by these cameras kept on diskettes that had just 1.44 MB. So, for 30 years all improved camera.
And now, we have so many opportunities to preserve our bright days! We have cameras everywhere. Some of our mobile phones have better lenses than cameras. A variety fotoappreparations with different lenses – one for landscapes, others for portraits, enables even photographed all day. Due to memory cards that allow us to make a large number of images, we will not spoil the film, as it was before. In addition, memory cards are not disposable – only need to transfer photos to your computer, and you can safelyclean memory card and re-used.

Instagram – the best service for the fans taking pictures

But the camera is not easy – Youth has recently enjoyed phones. Not always at hand you have a camera, and your favorite phone near all the time. And how can we not sharewith friends to take photos how can we live without comments and accolades? Especially for these fans to show their photos and developed instagram. Instagram – It is a social network in which people share different pictures and videos. But it's not interactive network, but only for photos and videos. By the way, Ruskoversion of this service you can find on the address:. Here you can read How to Use this service and see pictures of celebrities Victoria Boni, Ksenia Sobchak, and so on. D.

Instagram used, as a rule, young, active, cheerful people who have a lot of friends and do not sit on the ground or in Echickpeas. Instagram allowed to become a professional photographer to everyone who has a smartphone and who have a desire to be photographed by running a free offer, which does not need a long time to learn. Thanks to smartphones, everyone will be able to process the photo beyond recognition, making it a masterpiece, and immediately put up for review. With this application, tothat anything can make great photo.

The modern world can not be imagined without multimedia. Significant among these is the picture, so, in a rapidly evolving technologies and software, just need a service for simple creation of beautiful images. Today, millions of young people make choicestowards instagramma and it is not surprising – it is this social network allows you to take quick pictures of the highest quality.

Author: Artlife
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