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Veneers and types

, 15:47
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Our society, in its present version, quite strongly dependent on information that is broadcaston television or via the Internet. One of the obsessions of slogans regularly broadcast through these sources is the desire to acquire snow-white, perfectly smooth, shiny smile. For most of the Hollywood community is fully justified by the fact that we have to constantly remain in the field of photographic and video kenomeasures, and thus afford a crooked smile they can not. For the rest of the population at the forefront should not stand gleaming white smile, and its usefulness. In order to correct the deficiencies (eg, a yellowish tint, chips, cracks, tooth size difference), you must contact the dental clinic. Useolzuya traditional methods for correcting violations of shade and shape of the tooth should be prepared for lengthy and frequent visits to the doctor, because the fix everything in one or two visits hardly realistic. However, modern technology can significantly speed up the process.

What are veneers?

non-traditional approach to solving the voiced questions is to some extent replace the outer layer of the tooth. In modern dental veneers are used for this purpose - a plate of ceramic or composite materials. They are mounted on top of the tooth and fixed in this position via special composite adhesivecomposition. Their use allows to solve several problems:

  1. Adjust shade of teeth , since it is chosen to manufacture veneer;
  2. Adjust fOrm tooth, Create the perfect set of teeth corresponding to the wishes of the patient;
  3. Strengthen teeth , protecting them from external factors or to perform specific work (eg, playing wind instruments).

Methods of making veneers

Depending on the state of the dental cavity and the patient's wishes, choosing veneers, they can be made in one of two basic ways:

  • direct veneers . It veneers towhich matured are made at the place where the patient is in the dental chair. This is a gradual, posloevoe application material veneers and posloevoe adhesive bonding;
  • Indirect veneers . In this case, the impression is made of the tooth thatFirst transferred to the dental laboratory. There's Impression of a ceramic or composite material is formed of permanent veneers. This occurs in one of three basic ways: layering powder mass, molding material under pressure, milling of a solid block.


All existing veneers can be divided into the following main types, depending on the material for their production:

  1. Porcelain veneers . They are also called laminates. For their manufacturingcomfort matte, opaque ceramic or porcelain health;
  2. Composite veneers . Made of composite mikrofilnyh filling compositions;
  3. Zirconium veneers . The basic material used zirconia, which is well accepted by the body and provides an excellent cosmetic effect;
  4. Ceramic veneers . For the manufacture of glass-ceramics used leytsidnuyu;
  5. Lumineers . Ultra-thin veneers and high-quality ceramics, which do not require prior grinding of teeth.

Author: Artlife
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