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What types of boards?

, 18:47
0 1885

Today the market is full of various kinds of building materials. Each type is universal and has its purpose. Krum that no general knowledge of these materials, you do not know exactly what you want. So today, let's look at what are the types of boards, because this is the most common material in construction. Blackboard is a building material that is made of logs or timbers by cutting them to length. Ohbychno standard boards have a thickness of no more than 10 cm, but sometimes you can meet the board and thicker, even doubled.

How to board made?

The process of manufacturing boards is very simple. Usually there are three types of production boards:

  • Cut logs happens to nomoschyu saws or band saws. Saw logs of several boards. This type of material is called uncircumcised;
  • Cut logs with squaring. The process yielded two products: the side boards that are formed by cutting out the side as well as cut and uncut board on whichLuciano by spraying side;
  • The use of milling and sawing machines allows you to cut the board.

If you want to turn into edged unedged board, then it becomes very easy. First is edging board processed by kruglopilnika or machineas well.

What distinguishes types of boards?

There are some types of boards:

  • edging;
  • Lumber;
  • Molded;
  • board, which is used for the floor.

Now, briefly aboutEach form

Unedged board formed by the primary processing of wood. Its edges are neopilennymi, which is unacceptable to cut the board. For such kind of boards characteristic crust on the edge portions. As for the thickness of the boards, it is from 2 to 5 cm, and length - 6 m. Such boards is not esTethyan, but the most budget. They are typically used for:

  • plating;
  • flooring;
  • Chernovs sexes;
  • roof battens;
  • Forest.

Cutting board

This board is a rectangle that is completely opilenny edges. In order to produce such boards are using different types of wood. Also, these boards come in several varieties. As for the cost of these boards, it depends on its type. Dimensions edging boards are almost identical edging. Primenyayut their construction, in particular for manufacturing wooden houses. By the way, remember if you need it depends on the type of wood and sizes.

Molded board

Deal board is a type of planed boards, which are inherent to a single profile, the tongue and grooves. The dimensions make it: the thickness of 2.5 cm and a lengthand - up to 6 m, width - 15 cm. Lining called the sort of lining that conforms to international standards. By the way, there are three varieties of lining: A, B, C.

board, which is used for the floor

board, which is used for flooring, called plaque, which is intended for the floor. For her, life should bes inherent characteristics such as:

  • Extract mechanical loads;
  • The temperature difference;
  • Humidity.

These types of trees are most commonly used for this type of boards: deciduous and coniferous.

Author: Artlife
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