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Training women with different figures

, 16:08
0 2023

Throughout the history of mankind, the woman in the minds of men have always held a special place was kind of purpose, objectsm admiration and lust. No wonder women feel beautiful half of society, for the sake of their beauty and favor men made quite risky, and at times reckless acts. Of course, in this case the woman simply had to meet certain operating standards of beauty in society, so that a man felt that Preitygatelnyh, and the woman was more confident in their abilities. Obviously, not all women can meet this ideal for various reasons, and therefore to inspire and encourage men to action they can with varying degrees of success.
Much of course depends on the genetic characteristics of the female organism, its natural shape, as the siltand other of its type determines the possibility of problems in various areas. Accordingly, if a woman wants to train your body to achieve the perfect proportions or so, she in each case you should pay attention to different details. Paying attention to known problem areas, the woman is balancing his image, and then popgrowth does not waste time on unnecessary (for example, at the moment) exercise. Given the employment of modern women, a logistics course is very popular.
Inspiration for many of today's girls and women is a fitness and bodybuilding, which allow through a combination of various exercises to develop a more sexy body. ButAs mentioned above, a different type of shape suggests focusing on different problem areas, and hence the use of different sets of exercises.

pear or triangle

This is a type of female figure, which is characterized by a narrow shoulders compared to the hips and buttocks. It is obvious that in this type of figuresYour problem areas are the thighs, buttocks, legs, and the "triangle" will be more pronounced at a higher weight. Obviously, in this case, special attention should be given to the exercises for the abdomen, hips, legs, running exercises, exploring the chest, shoulders.


This type figure for which harakterna average volume part. Accordingly, the problem areas are the abdomen, chest, back. In this case, a comprehensive program of exercise, not only accentuate the emphasis on pumping the press. Recommended shaping, pilates, fitness with lightweight rods.


It is a figure for which characterizedthorns approximately equal to the width of the shoulders and hips, but expressed a narrow waist. Accordingly, the problem areas are the chest and hips. Showing proper nutrition and balanced set of exercises, supportive and toning muscles (swimming, running, dancing, cycling, etc.).


Itlean body type, which is characterized by approximately equal to the width of the shoulders, waist and hips. Problem area for this type of shape is the belly, which can accumulate fat. Key training should be such that strengthen the press.

Inverted Triangle

For women with this type of figurecharacterized by narrow hips and broad shoulders. Problems often arise in the shoulders, arms, abdomen, chest. For this case the recommended exercises that will strengthen and add muscle mass in the hips and buttocks, thus harmonizing all the way.

Author: Artlife
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