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Some interesting facts about my life

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Many of us have set themselves specific tasks. They help us to evolve and be more confident. Therefore, your BHIman I submit my diary, which I planned for this year.
So, if you're interested, you can learn some interesting facts from my life. I plan to:

To improve the level of development of their English.

I did not get on the elective. And on December 16 it has already passed OlympiadEnglish language. For the third year in a row taking part in it, but the third consecutive year ranked 4th. You had better prepare for oral topics. As I said, I coped well with listening and reading a good idea to write an essay, but I summed up as always speaking. Of course, I am not engaged with tutors. I have enough practice in this type ofspeech activity. A friend of mine recently told me that in order to begin to talk, you need to get into the English-speaking environment - there already like it or not, but will have to speak in order to survive.

Engage your physical form.

I continue training in oriental dance. As our coach went on littervnovaniya to Yalta, the 1 week we were moved to a class. On his return to mainstream training body was sore from a week break, we had to spend another week to regain the pace. We fully studied composition 2. We finish the third study. I continue to "paroduvaty" those songs that they learned without me. Now I have a song to him.I have demonstrated why the learned, my friend. I want to order a shawl dances, as well as buy oriental costume.
Never formalized, but now I have all the data in a medical book. What we do not go to the pool because of the circumstances. I would like to go into this Saturday, but due to the exams will start with swimming poolJanuary. It is clear that with his help I was able to have a beautiful figure Bol.

Start training for UPE and state exams.

Prepare and submit semester exams.

Write for December scientific work in law.

finalize the 2 section workth of 1 and 3. I wrote the introduction. December 18 defended scientific research MAN at the city level. In all 4 years the first time I defended the first. The last time the defense held on St. Nicholas Day and I was "lucky" to defend the last, when my turn came, the twenty-fifth, was six o'clock in the evening.

Write coursework.

Selected and download literature for the job. Section 1 has started to develop.

Read your list of references.

I read over this period several books, such as "Be Mine", "What am I without you," part 2 "The Nine Lives of Chloe King." Start cheatamb "Lane".

Organize your daily routine.

Madhouse, and not the regime. Occasionally I go in time. Only with the beginning of the session, I started to sleep properly.

Do not squander scholarship.

About 700 USD - an order to "Avon", tickets for the film "The Hobbit", popcorn, entertainment.

Discard allwaste of my life.


Author: Artlife
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