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Interesting information about rodents

, 23:37
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Long to the theory of natural vognischevosti boLeznov well known that wild animals can be carriers and the source of pathogens of various diseases.

Rodents in this process have a special place, as this group of mammals represented the most numerous carriers infections.

Within the Russian Federation there are 28rodent species. Of particular importance, both medical and economic, are common species of mammals, especially rodents synanthropic - gray rat and house mouse. Among the wild - forest dormouse, field mouse, yellow-, forest, Eurasian harvest mouse, shrew, common vole and voles. Other of rodents is available at

The distribution of rodents in habitats associated with the presence of specific conditions for this type of accommodation. Forest habitats - the typical place for wood mouse, yellow-throated mouse, bank vole, dormouse timber. Mouse - baby prefers moist and tall shrubs around rivers, canals, Swamps, in areas of fields that are processed. Field Mouse resides in areas with shrub vegetation. Common vole is found in meadows, pastures, vineyards, orchards. The settlement can be found in a clearing of the forest, the valleys north-western part of the Carpathians. Synanthropic species of rodents - house mouse, gray rat in his paspredelenii related to housing rights. In the warm season, they are found in natural habitats, even at a considerable distance from settlements, farms and other outbuildings.

The negative role of rodents

rodents to human activities belongs negative pol. The dominant species of rodents causing damage to crops and forestry. Synanthropic rodents - pests of crops, on fields and warehouses, eat and consume food and feed.

Rodents are carriers of pathogens and the source of natural focal infections. Most goodbyewounded and dangerous in this group of diseases is leptospirosis, which is found on every continent and in almost all natural zones. The causative agent of leptospirosis excreted in the urine of rodents, thus contaminating the water, soil and food. In nature almost every region of the most common leptospira serogroup Pomona, principal mediam which is a field mouse, and is 44.4% in the amount of small mammals infected with the danger of the disease leptospirosis occurs most acutely in the summer-autumn period, due to the mass exodus of the population in natural foci.

The list of course - focal infections associated with rodents are tularemia, Listeriosis, yersiniosis, pseudotuberculosis and others. To prevent disease need to follow the simple rules of health: wash your hands before eating, not eating unwashed fruits and vegetables, foods stored inaccessible to rodents, operating wells is securely sealed, avoid drinking water from random sources. From profilakticheskih measures - elimination of rodents by rodent solid.

Author: Artlife
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