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Coccygodynia, its causes and treatment of

, 18:54
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Our body - this is a complex technical mechanism, which incorporates a variety of large and small components. If everything is working toak necessary, all are surprised the complexity and sophistication of the system, in which everything is taken into account to the smallest moments. But it is worth some small elements fail, the entire mechanism can go downhill. This terminology might be too technical, but its essence is identical for the biological system. Take for example this unimportant at first VZGLadi part of our body, like the tailbone. This is nothing, as a result of the evolution of man, or rather - its residue. This rudimentary vertebrae, which are the residues of the tail, present during the early stages of the evolution. Functionally, they do not play any role our body, but they are part of the skeleton, the spinal column, and hence any andx damage, for whatever reasons, can significantly affect the performance of the body. Quite indicative in this respect is a condition that is referred to in medicine as coccygodynia.

What is coccygodynia?

This complex term is of Greek origin, and refers to a local pain syndrometh in the coccyx. It is logical to assume that the main cause of pain is a violation of the integrity (trauma), coccyx vertebrae. The nature of injury or trauma to the large number of cases involves several remote manifestation of pain (eg, a few months after trauma).

Forcoccygodynia are characteristic of persistent or recurrent, paroxysmal pain in the designated area. If we analyze the frequency of manifestations of the syndrome, the largest share falls on the women's side, due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure and performance of fertility. In the context of age, the most vulnerable are people from 40 to 60years, although it is more statistics than the pattern (including injuries, as one of the factors in the emergence of pain).

Reasons coccygodynia

Any disease or condition clearly should have cause and effect. Some of them have already been mentioned, but now reveal thispoint in more detail. So, the main cause of coccygodynia, as expected, is the coccyx trauma (contusions, sprains, fractures, myositis, or scarring of the adductors). For traumatic coccygodynia characteristic is delayed pain, it referred to above, which results in difficulties in diagnosis. More aboutne of the reasons is coccygodynia infringement nerve endings, for example, as a result of osteoarthritis coccygeal spine. Also syndrome may occur with concomitant diseases of adjacent organs (pelvic bones, rectum, etc.).


This state has more than expressedsymptoms: persistent or recurrent pain in the coccyx, or anus. Often the pain can occur after prolonged sitting (at rise) during defecation. Also, the pain tends to spread to the area of ??the buttocks, groin, thighs.

The methods of diagnosis and treatment

Most often,coccygodynia diagnosed by palpation of the rectum in the coccyx to detect characteristic symptoms (pain, seals, presence strands). In addition, a radiographic study, as well as methods of orthopedics, urology and proctology. It depends on the results of research and the causes of pain. In bolshinsTBE cases are limited to conservative methods (pain, physical therapy, traction, application, etc.). The operative approach is justified if there is a fracture or dislocation of the coccyx strong.

Author: Artlife
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