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Yak correctly p³kluvatisya about Zubi i clear?

, 18:22
0 2296

Mi manifested d³ysnoºmo all b³lshy ³nteres to svo¿h zub³v i to doglyadu them against in ts³lomu, beruchi to uwagi camp nasho¿ rotovo¿ porozhnini, situats³ya zalishaºtsya with such a scho bazhaº maintained upstream.

Yak³ problemi s teeth lead people to the dentist?

Naychast³sha problem - zahvoryuvannya clear. Pats³ºnti skarzhatsya on b³l in yasnah, bloodTecha, stverdzhuyuchi scho Tse n³yak od them are not deposits, scho not stink vinn³. However naspravd³ hvorobi clear t³lki 2% vipadk³v toil genetichnu basis (spravzhn³y periodontal disease), Rasht railway problems yak³ pats³ºnti, yak usually viznachayut yak periodontal disease, Je ignition mills clear, viklikanimi nalotom i tartar.

Yak potr³bno p³kluvatisya about Zubi i clearA dwellers uniknuti pod³bnih problems?

i Nal³t Tooth kam³n - tse problems yakimi of s i can spravlyatisya zapob³gati ¿h poyav³ zavdyaki retelnomu purified zub³v. P³slya skin, naymenshogo Priya ¿zh³ Zubi neobh³dno chistiti sch³tkoyu protyagom troh hvilin.Takozh of povinn³ once a day (naykrasche vvecher³) p³slya shelledsch³tkoyu oberezhno i del³katno ochistiti Zubi thread, i Robit Tse neobh³dno retelno, dwellers Shvydko vidaliti Tooth nal³t on teeth. Before rech³, Flossing is the INSHI goods by the oral porozhninoyu doglyadu vie can pridbati in Internet-magazin³:. Yakscho through zanedban³st Tooth nal³t p³ddastsya m³neral³zats³¿, the rezultat³ v³n peretvoritsya on hard dentalkam³n, i potr³bno Buda zvernutisya to the dentist, Yogo vidaliti dwellers. P³slya peeled for Relief zubno¿ thread sl³d shte obpolosnuti Rotov porozhninu spets³alnoyu r³dinoyu, yak gets tudi, Cudi not sch³tochka, ni nav³t thread not mozhut d³statisya. Got great significance tehn³ka purified zub³v. Chistiti Zubi sl³d del³katno, s pochuttyam, not grated ¿h strongabout scho Mauger prizvesti appeared to klinopod³bnih porozhnin (from clear).

Yak³ naykrasch³ sch³tki, mouth abo r³dini for g³g³ºni rotovo¿ porozhnini, i chi Je Ti, scho dorozhch³, maintained upstream?

Rekomenduºtsya vikoristovuvati sch³tochku s m'yakim nap in raz³ neobh³dnost³ - seredno¿ zhorstkost³, ale n³koli not vikoristovuyte zhorstku sch³tku,so yak Won vichistit Zubi not good i Mauger nav³t poshkoditi clear. M'yako¿ sch³tochki Buda ts³lkom dostatno, i dwellers bezpechno good pochistiti Zu'bi. Not Got a value of vikoristovuºmo zvichaynu sch³tku abo elektrichnu. The I that i ³nsha mozhut pochistiti Zubi odnakovo good. Yakscho you s mouthparts porozhninoyu all garazd, vibiraºmo toothpaste, yak priºmna you to relish.L³kar³ rekomenduyut s fluoride toothpaste, but Yakscho vie live in m³stsevost³ de fluorine zanadto bagato, vikoristovuyte paste without Demba. Yakscho Zubi zanadto chutliv³, ni in yakomu raz³ not sl³d koristuvatisya v³db³lyuvalnimi pastes and t³lki m'yakimi for nadm³rno chutlivih zub³v. In raz³ appeared krovotech³ s clear Varto zvernuti uwagi toothpaste s clay, scho volod³Yea styaguvalnimi vlastivostyami i yak zdatna zmenshiti krovotech. Accessories for not shelled zub³v povinn³ Buti naydorozhchimi i do not Duzhe folding, ale stink yaknaykrasche povinn³ v³dpov³dati require our zub³v.

Yak sl³d prohoditi often look around at the dentist?

D³ti povinn³ goes to the dentist at the time Vier m³syats³, etc.orosl³ - time on p³vroku.

Shcho nayb³lshe Skoda teeth? Jaka ¿zha korisna for them, and yak shk³dliva?

Skoda Nayb³lsho¿ teeth Bringer perekushuvannya m³zh mainly priyomami ¿zh³. However, Yakscho p³slya this snack (nav³t duzhe Solodky) pochistiti Zu'bi, the problems are not bude. Not ³snuº ¿zh³, yak bula b Especially shk³dlivoyu abo korisnoyu for zub³v. At one hour yak for d³tey in protses³ rozvitku duzhe korisna ¿zha hard, biting osk³lki stimulyuº rozvitok schelep i p³dvischuº krovopostachannya k³stki. For zub³v nabagato b³lshogo values ??Got the Same g³g³ºna rotovo¿ porozhnini. Nav³t Yakscho of po¿mo solodko¿ i lipko¿ smakoti, Ale tsogo p³slya retelno pochistimo Zoubi, in our rezultat³n³yakih no problems Buda. Nayb³lshe values ??Got sistematichn³st posl³dovn³st i have doglyad³ the oral porozhninoyu.

Author: Artlife
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