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Features of kolorowa contact LNS

, 18:14
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lately, great popularity corestauti kolorov contact lnse, that dozvolyayut Smythe sviy color of the eyes, I dodati rozinka to his image. After Ochi - Dzerkalo DOS, m presbyacousia VRS poemi, they suckouts. And contact LSI dozvolyayut pdelete particle effect. Moreover, the stench dozvolyayut not only Smythe color of the eyes, but I prihvati some of defecti, tak Yak poshkodzhennya radogno tunic, Belimo and others

Lnsi buuut two tips:

  • kolorov;
  • vdcom.

Ostan vykorystovuyutsia RDCO, Yak stink smut color of the eyes vsogo to be called a few more tons. Kolorov W mayut more of naseeni color, and not newt - orignally drawing.


BEZPEKA I transfer koloru

Before Tim Yak conception use kolorov LSI, bagatoh Vinica power: Chi uplyvayut stink eye I transfer koloru. Pochnemo s, scho LSI stvoren so, scho stink not zakrivaut snizu to transfer coloro vplivali not mozhut. However, when filthy oven snice got wlasciwosci rasshiryaetsya, scho mozliwa pojava small zamutnen. The fact h not rekomenduyut use pid hour Vodna avtomobilem ABO vicodan robt scho vimagati osoblivo ​​uwagi.

Scho States barwnik, that vykorystovuyutsia for nadanna lsam pevny colors, the stench is absolutely nesdu. United Porada Varto kupovati LSI tilki od vdoma virobnikiv, obov'yazkovo in speculatory stores, de je Vdovin certifcate quality. By the way, in Ukraine pridbati kolorov contact LSI you can at the Internet MAGAZIN "".



For rakhunok osoblivo ​​technology vigotovlennya, eye for kolorowej lsame swordi also:

  • Need cigarette special roscin for h sberkassa. Mnati Yogo need skin day;
  • Brother LSI need only chistymi hands, they are not guilty, poterpite brood ABO of Zaleski cream;
  • At whether yakomu moskogen of kolorowa LNS h hi in yakomu Razi not it is possible to use, Yak stink mozhut pajapati radujko eye, I navt, posaditi snicu;
  • An h need not more 8 hours, I save them also not rekomendatsi. All right in the fact scho stink vegetablesa from special material, that has got Nisku cinepost. And the eyes, Yak I whether the Yakima authorities, necessary regularly “dehati” for propoganda bohmova reactions.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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