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Take your music on the road

, 11:44
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Music almost all the time accompanies each driver on the way. Favorite tunes and diversify all the time, and also set up only on the positive. So we decided to ask what kind of music I like to listen to notable people, driving a car, and how it affects the emotional state of the driver. Today you will learn about this later in the article.


does the accident from music?

motorists Association of the UK, dealing with road safety, explored that the statistics of road accidents is directly connected with the music that plays in the car. As reported by well-known American newspaper, the experts came to the conclusion that what kind of music does the driver depends on his attention to the traffic situation, and thus the risk of getting into an accident.

Drivers who prefer a slow, calm music, maintain their psychological balance and adequacy to what is happening on the roads. While drivers who listen to fast music, you begin to worry subconsciously and unconsciously increase speed.


Everyone – your

In the end, how many people, so many tastes. See this is easy. For example, Director of "Da Capo" Basil Music he likes to listen to 80s hits and retro radio. By the way, you can listen and download the music you can here: .

does Not turn off radio and car owner of a billiard club "Pyramid" Alexander Zhluktenko. What he said, mostly in the car listening to the radio. But on the road you can go under the rock ballads. All depends on my mood. Sometimes heavy metal music include, the time of disco, and sometimes chanson. Moreover, a well-equipped audio system allows you to conveniently include any music without barriers for traffic safety. And the music, as they say, and live help.

a Few other musical preferences are representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, Rivne lady behind the wheel. The owner of salon stylish clothes "Gianni" Olga Borovich, for example, listening behind the wheel of the Russian DJs: I Have a collection of disks DJ Kirilov, Mixon, Sveta. As soon as I sit in the car, just turn the drives that enjoy listening to. The music is uplifting and does not interfere with watching the road."

I Love to hear the song Irina Bilyk, " says the chief economist of the company "Isotherms" Alla guts. - And on the streets turn on the radio to the wave of local radio stations. Not like Ms. Alla loud music. When I go in the car with children and they include their music like rap, then I ask them or to turn off, or switch to something more peaceful.


Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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