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Choose the wardrobe: important recommendations

, 23:24
0 1927

every day our life is full of emotions, feelings, events. People is in constant motion. But my life time is different: new opportunities, kids, stuff, etc. that is why the 1st plan will melt the savings of the housing space. But unfortunately, things spread through all the rooms, like Mamaeva Horde.

the way with the least time and financial costs can be avoided this misunderstanding? Professionals in the construction industry, as well as interior designers in this issue have the same opinion – to order wardrobe. By the way, Furnitec offers various models of wardrobes at an affordable price.


How to choose the right wardrobe?

Adhering to the following tips, a person with 100% success choose the necessary wardrobe.

  • Remember what number of things increases over time repeatedly, it is therefore not necessary to confine the need here and now drawers and shelves;
  • P claim that the walls can perform the function of the carrier covers the rear and side panels of the closet;
  • plays a Huge role and also the opening mechanism of the doors. Now on the market you can find 2-VA it: the 1st is with a metal frame, the door which moves on special. rollers, and in the 2nd system door rollers move along the monorail;
  • it Should also be noted, and more profiles, which directly and move the door;
  • Width of sliding sashes should be less than 1 m;
  • Special attention should be paid to the material from which is made directly to the wheel suspension system;
  • sliding Wardrobe with mirrored doors perfect for the hallway.


Go to the selection of the wardrobe carefully and thoughtfully. Remember that the right choice will give a huge amount of positive emotions and joy as you choose an aesthetic and a safety Deposit box of memories, a kind of repository of all the most need, not just furniture.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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