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Blood in women and men — standards and differences

, 14:43
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And women and men need to undergo regular laboratory screening, as at times only analysis is able to detect the health problem. The same infection can cause opposite symptoms, so it is not very easy to suspect that the culprit is one and the same pathogen. For example, the representatives of the stronger sex some pathogens in General can not be, while in women they become very dangerous (e.g., papillomavirus). Therefore, strong and weak floors need regular examinations, but with a different approach. Remember that even such basic, classic studies, such as: General and biochemical blood analysis in women and men have certain nuances.


General blood test: what is the norm?

This blood test is the base Lubasha serious diagnosis of the condition of the body. His data do not contain any specific indicators, i.e. in the majority of cases are not able with 100% accuracy point to a specific diagnosis, but interpretation of this analysis tells the technician a lot. So, thanks to her, the doctor can choose the further examination of the body and assume its General condition. Therefore, clinical (aka generic) blood prescribed all profiles almost all diseases and complaints. In addition, it is included in the standards of examination during planned and emergency hospitalizations, and medical examination.

the Biochemical analysis of blood, in contrast to common, shows how the work of certain internal organs, as well as in what quantity are present in the body the main vitamins and minerals.

Common standards tests for women and men differ, which in turn should be considered directly in their interpretation.


a Normal content of erythrocytes:

  • males: 4,3-a 5.15 x 1012 cells/l;
  • in women: a 4.3-of 5.15 x 1012 cells/L.

Norma hemoglobin:

  • for men: 135-160 g/l;
  • in women-120-140 g/l (heavy menstruation and during pregnancy, the hemoglobin may be reduced).

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Author: Artlife
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