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"GOSPACE": Yak, pretvoriti in brand cosmetics wlasnego virobnictva?

, 12:00
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If CNT view from the past rock pharmacy Trammel "GOSPACE": pocha virobnictvo wlasna cosmetics, TSE poyasnyuvalna bazhannyam Optimat robot of virobnichih pharmacies I pdbedit h Economou efektivnosti. I ale Chi htos mg, prepustiti scho vsogo for purose Efekt bude vimruntime a number of s p atima zeros.

About the Yak, pretvoriti in brand cosmetics drugstore virobnictva, we respown Director General aptechno merezhi "GOSPACE" Bogdashin Igor Viktorovich, candidate of Sciences medichnih, likar-monolog.

- Igor Viktorovich, paava cosmetics wlasnego pharmacy virobnictva - wyznaczy of pondus on asicomo rinku. Roscat, Yak all pocidalo, and scho nadinola you stvorennya tsogo product?
- In aptechni merezhi "GOSPACE" Vier vyrobnich pharmacies. To Grodna 2015 rock stench vigorously extemporal lcars formation for recipes lcars, including the I parenting for pershoho roku life: xeroform, protargol, roscini for fsolve, Mas, zabezpecuje population Mista the I region. H of perevahy ocheviden: stink vegetablesa s rahwana of osoblivosti skin pant, Yogo VCU, nayavnost zakhvoryuvan I allergic reactions. Moreover, many ekstemporalnyh forms not mayut Zavodsky analog and takozh s small termnal prednost. At CIR pharmacies sberna stably I profesini collective and vyrobnich paternost Buli Sadan not more than 50 %. Dwellers of download TSI paternost, mi versile organsaving virobnictvo aptechno cosmetics. Tim bilshe scho technology vigotovlennya Bula vdoma. Also in the nineteenth Stoll in dorevolyucionnyh pharmacies vigorously cosmetics zasobi. TSE CCB sztuczny I ELTI product. For Radyanska casw properly aptechna virobnictvo Bulo takozh oxirene. 90-ti rocky, vzhe in the era of rinkovih vanasin, vono was nepriyatelem, I blissthe statenew perioral on products, vigotovlennya plants.

- I correctly Rozum, VI vykarystouvac Starobin corevolution recipe - recepti?
- Otchizna pharmacy Nalco sotn propis, for yakimi was initially makeup. Mi pocha s, scho held robot s poshuku pressing rezept kosmetyczny zasobu. Pharmacists "GOSPACE" skin them CCB realno opracowany I dopolnenii s point Zora suchasnih trends. Ale based salicylate kolesnikow - TSE cosmetics without conservants, parabens and without to overpay for the brand.

- Yak on your pdprimstvo organsaving process virobnictva aptechno makeup?
- first cargo fahiz-analtik realno Perera quality packaging that components zasobu. Control sdissues and on the skin Etap virobnictva. Will saznace scho in virobnicha process VSI, componenti realno smusa and designs available ACCOR. Long visano scho LCI, vegetables hands of a pharmacist I for ndial recipe, s point of Zora biopharmaceutical nabagato effectives, than promislovi analog. Of course, sbergami Taku cosmetics it in the fridge I don't chotiroh more months. S looked around to Qiu osoblivosti Fig products and Krasi, mi nicorettegum speculo medicine packing s dark folding. Also for Nacho cosmetics mi rosabel uncanny packaging design in vintagea style.

- A ZMI literally RESNET advertising nbit Cudia zasobu, that ablaut effect vsogo for zastosowany be called a few more. And in chomu perevahy cosmetics rucno of work?
- Hand-made cosmetics vdmn vpisalas in Spozywczy trend ostannyoho hour. Today postupovo mnats fashion at popularne all naturaline I Cologne Kista. Mi takozh not nicorettegum conservanti I nepotrebno supplements, yakimi at a time naphan blesst kremu I masks. Terms prednost Nacho cosmetics - siogo be called a few more months. In - skladi no parabens - bearing-down conservative scho produjo terms prednost. I of course, valiv of perevahy pharmacy kosmetycznego the assortment - TSE Vigna vartist I territorial dostupnost: today our makeup can pridbati "HOOPTECH" vsih MSCI OKRUGU I in in Sliska RAYONU region.

- Yak VI prosobee their products?
- Running perch mask I cream, we have vistavili h in vtrin of our virobnichih pharmacies. Weavile nabumali cupolini nteres. After bagato hto pam at Rudensk Bostanci, Kolda-cream and the first mask. In this regard'yazku s CIM mi zgod distribution for vsih pharmacies Mista the I region. Wonderfully, ale stir in oblasnyh pharmacies PDR not Mansi and hour I more, than in Omsco. Also mi naladili TSO spitraw s beautiful salons, kosmetycznej cabletime I spas. Mi I as pracovali s Lyrico-cosmetology lorney and takozh s cosmetologists MSCI scrna-venerology DISPANSER, now when nayavnost shiroko lnike lkovalenko aptechno cosmetics nteres private clinc I praktikujuci fahft SRS at Razi. In umovah Creasy, if mporta cosmetics state podorazhala, purehd on Otchizna counterparts, that is not postupitsya, and often I previsouly for actu, je vypraveni. Middle pokuptsiv cosmetics vzhe , " postin. We otrimali bagato pozitivnih vdgekw from zadowoleni Clit.

- Yaki, progress and prospects in cosmetics wlasnego pharmacy virobnictva?
- Already now we have what ustaleniu assortment s p accesati positions: klasicna series (cream, mask I Bostanci, zasobi for hands I ng, Aptech acsii for hair, BRW and Wii), a series lasn the SPA (I scrubi Mila), and also special series (spre for ng, desodorante, cream from OPCW). Progress and prospects of the development of Felices. TSE rozshirennya the assortment for rakhunok novih vvedennya lnik, for example, profesine ser for lkovalenko-profilaktichna set I of virobnichih pdprimstvo. And also razgledam mozliwosci for nadanna the hotel s vigotovlennya vlasnik of such trade marks for sacculina pokuptsiv. Already doublenest , s of Moscow. Mi vipuskov for them SPACELINE series. "GOSPACE" razvivatsya, baruchi based on better Aptech traditions. Upevneny scho for our KTV mi we will Doug rocky nadini brand, s Yakima stink gotov dowrite his properly health I beauty.

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Author: Artlife
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