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Why are treated better in Switzerland

, 10:26
0 2428

A small by world standards, Switzerland has always been in the lead rating Durationspine life. Effect and favorable natural conditions (about 60% of the territory is covered by mountains), and, of course, a very advanced medicine. The relatively small, moreover, is not always easily accessible area there are many research and production facilities, which allows continuously introduce the latest developments, methodski and create a reputation as a world leader of medical and pharmaceutical fields.

Despite the fact that the standard of living in the country is high prices (for details refer to the Swiss Health Direct) are striking in their "humanity" and are actually one and the price range, for example with Moscow.

And if we take into account while clearly a higher level and quality of services provided, the choice is clearly not in the direction of domestic medicine.
Here, you can count on the most progressive and sometimes even unique methods of treatment in many branches of medicine. Every patient who has decided to turn into one of the Swiss clinics canexpect special attention and individual approach, quality. High qualification and experience of physicians do not require much advertising. In addition, Switzerland is not as far away as it may seem at first glance - flying, for example, from Moscow to Zurich takes only 3 hours. In one day, you can safely make a round-trip flight and thus to pass medobsledovation, as well as consultation with a doctor.

All of these arguments suggest that both treatment and rehabilitation in the country - are effective, comfortable, cost-effective.

Author: Artlife
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