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Harchovi barwnik Carmin (E120)

, 10:37
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Susanna harchova industry famous Tim scho for przygotowana resonantly of food products and food additives vykorystovuyutsia batocanin (pediluvio to relish, probniki TA INSHI). The same is about one of the s of harchovih additives, namely about E120, mi I pogovorim in our article I respost us about TSE spivrobitnyky compan "Bromix": in Jaco you can Yogo, bezposrednio pridbati.

Carmi E120 (karmenova acid, koseli carmeni, cosel, extracti kosel, karmn) - TSE natural bartniki, yaki toil escravo-Chervoniy color.

Dana harchova Supplement predstavlja him powder / RDIO  cervone - dark cervone koloru. Karmn the goodness of roschini have ethanol VOD, sticky to vplive lugu I acids, and also high temperature plastic ).


Virobnictvo E120

Pryrodne Dzherelo this barnica - TSE kosel (wissen tlca females sitok, comas mind Chi Dactylopius Coccus cacti coccus scho live on Pivnich ranovich cactus. In skladi casinl mctits in rayon 10% of such barnica, Yak karmenova acid.

virobnictva this barnica coma Sirauti during bezposrednio to vaklamana them ACE, further h citati I to the land. Powder, that trimout in krzewow resultat brobst solution carbonate sodium Chi ammonia that fltroot.

Vneslo duzhe visoko sabartes I trademaster processes virobnictva, E120 yea nedorogoy Harkaway Supplement for this reason categor.


Region zastosuvannya

Carmd can use in harchovi promislovist in Ukraine, ?C TA I n. powers in quality barnica.

E120 vykorystovuyutsia when virobnictvo:

  • Molochnik deserts;
  • m'yasnyh delgates;
  • bezalkogolnykh, and also alcoholic napov;
  • kovbasna virov;
  • konditerskih virov.

Usage E120 zaboroneni when virobnictvo resonantly kosirnik products and, Oskolki Qiu Supplement to roblet iz comas.

Okrm, Carmen also vykorystovuyutsia in farmaceutyczny, and also kosmetyczny promislovosti.


E120 : health

According to oftiny dozen, vanadom allergic reactions, E120 no negative vpliv on organsm person.

oftiny Gerlach sasnashen wypadki. along have according osib, bezposrednio when contact W Mazzy scho mstyle Carmen calcium.

According to W h neitzke gerolami, people, yaki toil allergies on carmy, bezposrednio when Vivan of food products and food, the warehouse yakih log E120, Mauger fenicoti anafilaktichesky shock.

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Author: Artlife
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