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The important thing about built-in beds

, 17:08
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If until recently it was believed that minimalism and functionality – concepts are certainly mutually exclusive, but today the situation has changed, and these two characteristics often appear as two complementary properties of a piece of furniture. Clearly this combination is manifested in the so-called built-in beds, which we'll talk.

There are several basic types of built-in beds and the first of them – bed built-in wardrobe. This option allows to save maximum space – night sleeper, and in the afternoon an organic element of furniture that can complement the bedroom and the living room and the nursery. Some variants of these beds are so well imitate the cabinets that the uninitiated guest may not guess that he built the bed.

Option, similar to the first – bed, built-in wall. Everything here works on a similar principle with only one exception: the bed folded simulates not a closet, but one of the four walls of your room.

built-in can be double – unfolded, it looks like two separate beds separated by a small passage. So the option is ideal for a child's room, in which the lives of two children.

Another advantage of built-in beds – the ability to choose the design of its front side. Talking about the side of the bed, which becomes a facade only in the daytime, and at night in fact becomes lower. The front part of the bed can be tailored to match the design of the interior, which certainly is very convenient. Its surface may be matte or smooth, with print or with sandblasted drawings – it depends on the aesthetic preference of the customer.

Now lifting mechanisms, which are equipped with these beds. From the point of view of the device, they can be either hydraulic or gas. Here the difference is obvious: in the first case, the piston is driven by fluid pressure, and the second – under the influence of a gaseous substance. From the position of management they are manual or remote. In the second case the bed is driven with remote control.

So, fitted the beds are comfortable not only its compactness, but also the ability to adapt to any aesthetic demands – part of the facade can be selected on the basis of individual wishes and harmoniously complement the interior.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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