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Medical 3D-press

, 10:17
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No doubt, all the new technology swirl burst into our lives, changing not only for her, but we look at everyday things. With the help of 3D-printers now produce almost everything from various types of souvenirs and finishing a meal. But even more interesting that recently we have been associated print only straditsionnoy, is meant as has always been the holy of holies, where there is a specific action in the sacrament kotorogone each destined to plunge. Bmodern world of 3D-printing was used in transplantation, prosthetics, dental practice, plastic surgery and many other areas of health care, often fully implemented in the workflow, and often simply complementing its technology.

The use of 3D-format in medical practice

3D-printers are used to create a hearing aid in the ear, and they made it possible to develop individual prostheses. With the help of such devices can be made right product with a jeweler's precision down to the millimeter. Moreover, these prostheses is much cheaper than traditional.

Perhaps the most active user of 3D-pechatistala dentistry. Less than 10 years ago, one of kompaniypredstavila market caps, which were printed on 3D-printer (by the way, made on similar equipment). Biweekly print them anew — depending on the changes occurring in the oral cavity. In addition, they are hardly visible on the teeth and cause nedoubstv patient. Ispolzovanietakih3D technology has made the process of creating casts of teeth and jaws in tselomudobnee, easier and faster.

actively used 3D-press and in transplantation, where it became possible to create entire organs. Americans oudelk create an exoskeleton for the girl who has been immobilized due to injury. In Belgium, a young woman transplanted jaw created in this way. Russian scientists are also actively working on the development of regenerative medicine. Already developed methods for three-dimensional organ printing, which will make the whole process more Transplantationsafe and easy.

Author: Artlife
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