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Features pellet boilers

, 09:45
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The problem of finding alternative sources of thermal energy was always relevant, and timely Ukraino-Russian conflict in the Donbas - and even more so. A consequence of the aggressive policy of our neighbor and the inability of their government to change the situation, the price of a communal, (especially gas) will certainly grow. An alternative to gas as fuel, in the current environment of Ukraine can serve as wood, peat and coal. Also, recently, steelvery popular boiler plants (or simply - boilers) running on biofuels such as wood pellets - pellets. This fuel has a number of significant advantages in comparison with the same wood, coal, namely:
- high efficiency (90%);
- low fuel consumption;
- environmentally friendly fuel minimum content of LPly;
- the ability to automatically feed (and regulation) of fuel;
- automatic control of all processes.
In spite of this, there are also disadvantages, which include clearly overpriced for the final product . Today, there are two basic schemes functioning of such household (or rather feed into the furnace):
- Retort, at which the fuel from the intermediate hopper through the feed screw is fed from below into the retort, which serves as a grate;
- pneumatic screw at which the fuel is fed from the top to the pellet burner, where it occurs its dosage and inflammation.
The equipment is quite specific and is producedI mostly in Europe - especially Poland. Among the most important producers - Heiztechnik, Herz, Defro, Kostrzewa, Kalvis. In addition to actively develop domestic producers - Agroresurs, Kotaku, retro and other.

Author: Artlife
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