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Sanitary book: order processing

, 14:18
0 2457

Sanitary or, as it is called, medical records – a very important document that indicates the health of the person engaged in the enterprise associated with the service of people, as well as in other jobs that require regular passage checkups. It is mandatory for employees of children's institutions, pharmaceutical industries, catering, health care, andmunicipal institutions and other enterprises, which provides for compulsory passing examinations.

This book is needed in order to protect the surrounding consumers who use the services or products of the company, from the outbreak of any disease, as well as to prevent the development ofoccupational diseases. In medknizhki displays all data on vaccinations, tests, as well as the passage of medical examination, with this book is subject to mandatory control of the SES.

This book certainly is issued, unless the law provides for medical examinations for any undertakingand. Making books is primary, when such a serious medical examination worker passes once and again when you need to pass regular inspection by specialists, about every six months.

In order to create a book, you need to have any identification, often requires a passport andas one picture. Next, you must pass a series of bacteriological analyzes in SES, as well as additional blood tests, including on RW, undergo a mandatory chest X-rays or X-rays of the lungs, to visit all relevant doctors and get a conclusion. Usually, this book is in the public clinic for about two weeks upon receipt oftest results and transmission specialists. In all private institutions can significantly speed up.

Author: Artlife
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