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Toner Cartridge Canon PG-510

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The modern world is very dynamic and changeable sometimes so much that it is difficult todefine this dynamic. Every year the science develops faster, and with it the technology. The fact that 10 years ago it seemed unlikely today objective, widely reality. It is very revealing experience of your humble servant - the author, summer ten years ago a former student of the university and how tens and hundreds of his colleagues idle Ocherthe identity to the printer to print in the hope of the desired text or make a photocopy. Not to mention the photos, which at that time was not only as a film and not a mass, as it is today. But just those ten years, the author writes articles on a brand new laptop (which at that time, by the way, was also a rarity) and print them as well, kato make photocopies or photographs can be colored in one compact device - an inkjet printer or MFP. The most common in the market are printers Canon (eg, ruler Pixma). We will not go into the complex system of the distribution of ink, just to say that they come from special containers - cartridges. Most often,in the printer, there are two: PG-510 (black ink) and CL-511 (color ink). The most commonly used, of course, is. The main feature of the cartridge and simultaneously the weakest point, in terms of users, is the chip that reads ink level in the cartridge. The main problem with this system is that when the level ofink to a minimum, the chip automatically at the program level, determines the cartridge is empty. As a result, the user will have two options for possible actions:

- officially recommended by the manufacturer, that is replaced with a new cartridge. Do not know how it overseas to relate to this, but in our reality, regular nokupka new cartridge, at a price equal to five or six bottles of paint is not considered as an option;
- refill the cartridge with additional ink. Option possible, cheap, but with some limitations and recommendations for implementation.

In order to make refilling cartridges PG-510, nuzhbut, first, remove it from the seat in the printhead. Then, remove the label on the cartridge. Under it, somewhere in the middle to show up circular recess. And it is necessary to drill by, a conventional syringe and needle. It is important to remember that should be left blank cartridge volume about One-half to avoid spoteducation. Sticker on a refilled cartridge, put in place, and then the cartridge itself.

Author: Artlife
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