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Five effective ways to beat cellulite

, 23:46
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« Orange coreSingle » &Mdash; problem faced by every third woman. Loose skin on the buttocks and thighs – is not only an external defect, but also a source of complexes, self-doubt and the irresistibility. Want to get rid of this problem once and for all? Use five effective tips!

Proper nutrition. about nutrition treatises written hundreds and thousands of articles in women's magazines, why not take into account at least five or six recommendations:

- give up the sweet and starchy foods;

- get rid of sauces in your refrigerator;

- forget about sugary carbonated beverages;

- exclude from your diet food seasoning that trigger appetite;

- tell « no » fatty foods;

- Reduce your consumption of coffee to one cup a day.

These postulates proper nutrition will seem barbaric, but it is necessary to implement them into your life just for 7-10 days, and you will realize that there is nothing to worry about. Moreover, these rules without proper nutrition you will no longer represent his life.

Special tools . &Mdash; one of the most powerful blows to « orange peel & raquo ;. Massages and beauty tools based natural ingredients to help you normalize the blood circulation in problem areas, remove the bumps, « pits » and roughness. Only 2-3 months and you can feel free to show their amazing body in public broadcastersx.

Sports . Another powerful tool in the fight against cellulite – athletic exercises. Focus on running, jumping, lunges, squats. Do cardio, interval and power load an integral part of your life. The result you see in the mirror a couple of months — underDrawn body, no overhanging « Bochkov » above the belt, and slender legs with elastic thighs and buttocks become for you the main reason for pride.

Water . Your day should start with a glass of water with a few drops of lemon juice. This is not a recommendation, and the law. So you startete digestive processes and awaken your body. Then, during the day you have to drink 1,5 – 2 liters of pure water. It – the foundation of healthy skin, full of metabolism and the skin on my feet without flaws.

Magic Tea . Tea with honey, ginger and lemon – one of the most chudodeystvennyh funds against which not stand « orange peel & raquo ;. It – an excellent source of vitamins, as well as the main « perebivatel » appetite.

Make these recommendations part of a program to care for themselves and in the near future you will be able to boast a magnificent figure, and you will about cellulitee remember as a nightmare!

Author: Artlife
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