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Festival of Success

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Festival of Success

September 14 and 15 Festival of Success swept by the wind of happiness and victory. On the island of Cyprus met leaders, friends, members of past festivals and academies. Team of almost 500 people have ascended to Olympus Partners Success.

Learn first!
Festival participants first saw clips of the five new products, hear from leaders inspiring speeches about how to successfully promote these new products. The chief ideologist of products Artlife - AA Vekovtsev presented the main intrigue of the next year - printsipalno new product based on the traditions of Russian healers and the latest developments of scientific medicine.

Be in the know!
Program Super Bonus continues! Artlife was certified Halal!
Venue of the festival - Moscow! Announced a new festival promotions! These and other news partners learned from the Vice President for Development Mary Podanevoy.

Own innovation!
The innovative unit of the Festival - a presentation of 4 the most effective business technology in 2011. There was a competition, where each partner was able to vote for the preferred technology. The winner of the contest was the structure under the guidance of Ina Borozdina, Krasnodar.

Become a professional!
Very popular in Europe and Russia coach Radmila Lukic conducted training that made partners to think in new ways, opened the simple secrets to communicating with customers and partners to business has earned, like a clock. And most importantly, the company has presented training to all partners, who will arrive on a wave of success.

See incredible!
From the first minute Partners plunged into the atmosphere of the Greek myths: the participants met the muse in the room suddenly emerged from the Walk of Fame olive branches, and the president-founder Alexander Avstrievskih welcomed all to the role of Zeus. Partners gift from the company became famous tour of the historic sights of ancient Cyprus.

Get a reward!
Company Artlife with glitter and applause greeted all who came to Cyprus, and awarded the Partners for success, excellent results and strong growth.
In congratulating the winners of the chic Hall Founding President, AA Vekovtsev, outstanding partners in the status of the President and the stars of Cyprus.

Relax and enjoy!
The organizers did their best to each partner felt like God of Olympus. After waiting for the awards party partners in the Greek style under the night sky and the bright stars of Cyprus, in the targeted mysterious beauty park with swimming pools and shimmering lights.

Meet again!
Festival - is a little life! And all those who lived it - happier, have found friends, find answers and solutions, inspired by the new steps!
Many felt the festival every year becomes an eventful, information, dynamic, innovative orientation and high motivation. Participants of the Festival 2011 - marked the festival as the best!

But the company is ready to surprise you Artlife that will be at the Jubilee Festival! Moscow is waiting for us!
Long live the new festival!
More information about the events and awards, see the special edition of the Festival of the magazine "Planet Artlife"

Author: Artlife
3 (votes: 2)

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