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What are infectious diseases

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Anyway, but the human body, despite the overall high level of RAzvitiya (and the medicine in the first place), all as likely to develop various diseases. Each of us probably encountered situations when the body has struck another ailment. All we currently know what the flu, acute respiratory infections, fungus, chickenpox. But what obediyanet all these diseases, which have a common denominator? The fact that each of these bolezIt has a general character of the pathogen, which is getting into the body causes the development of an infectious disease. Infekitsii pathogens may be a few, but they are by nature highly pathogenic microbes. Each vozduditel infection entering the human body begins its "illegal deytelnost" with poisoning organismand toxins or toxic components. Some microbes can produce toxins during their life, others are themselves naoborot- toxins, buyout vydelyayuts in their blood at its own destruction. Any of microbial pathogens, regardless of type, must obldat naiobolee characteristic features:

- virulence - The ability of a microbe prodelyvat breach   oranizma defense - immune sistmemy;
- the incubation period - the time period during which proihodit infection. As the incubation period is considered to be the time that elapses before the persistent symptoms;
- atrium, through thegerms that enter the body (eg, nasopharynx, skin, etc.).

Since infectious zaolevany there is a huge quantity, it is quite normal looks CLC classification. Generally speaking, the classification is based on two main criteria: the site of infection, and the nature of microbes-energizefirs. Based on the first criterion, all infekionnye disease are divided into intestinal, respiratory, blood. By the nature of the causative agent, all infectious diseases are divided into prion, viral, bacterial, protozaynonye, ??fungal. More details about infectious diseases can be found on the website:. Organism, despite the overall high level of RAzvitiya (and the medicine in the first place), all as likely to develop various diseases. Each of us probably encountered situations when the body has struck another ailment. All we currently know what the flu, acute respiratory infections, fungus, chickenpox. But what obediyanet all these diseases, which have a common denominator? The fact that each of these bolezIt has a general character of the pathogen, which is getting into the body causes the development of an infectious disease. Infekitsii pathogens may be a few, but they are by nature highly pathogenic microbes. Each vozduditel infection entering the human body begins its "illegal deytelnost" with poisoning organismand toxins or toxic components. Some microbes can produce toxins during their life, others are themselves naoborot- toxins, buyout vydelyayuts in their blood at its own destruction. Any of microbial pathogens, regardless of type, must obldat naiobolee characteristic features:

- virulence - The ability of a microbe prodelyvat breach   oranizma defense - immune sistmemy;
- the incubation period - the time period during which proihodit infection. As the incubation period is considered to be the time that elapses before the persistent symptoms;
- atrium, through thegerms that enter the body (eg, nasopharynx, skin, etc.).

Since infectious zaolevany there is a huge quantity, it is quite normal looks CLC classification. Generally speaking, the classification is based on two main criteria: the site of infection, and the nature of microbes-energizefirs. Based on the first criterion, all infekionnye disease are divided into intestinal, respiratory, blood. By the nature of the causative agent, all infectious diseases are divided into prion, viral, bacterial, protozaynonye, ??fungal.

Author: Artlife
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