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Mustard mask for hair

, 16:50
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Mustard is widely known not only in agriculture, the food industryof, but also in medicine and cosmetology as an excellent and effective tool. Active ingredient mustard improve blood circulation and brain, regulate the operation (secretion) sebaceous glands of the body. Most women in their everyday use this product as the base component of cosmetic masks for their hair: wherein,Hair growth is accelerated rapidly to a value of 3 cm (average statistical value of 1-2 cm) per month. But at the same time, this procedure should be approached very sensitive, as mustard can cause dandruff and other damage in the event of overdrying skin. Can also cause allergies. The best form for the effective application and absorptionIs the application of mustard oil in the composition, the composition of which is based on yogurt or mayonnaise. There are a few of the most used and popular, recipes for cooking, taking into account the different types of hair:

- A solution to improve hair growth, dry type:
main components are olive oil(1 tbsp) mustard powder (1 tsp) and cooked oil. All of these components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair surface (naturally, they need to roll up in a plastic bag). After forty minutes of retention and absorption, the mask is washed off thoroughly. All these steps are repeated several times.

- Kit of two types of hair:
as the components of the mixture are the yogurt (1 tablespoon) and honey (1 tablespoon), oatmeal, a few drops of lemon juice. All this is mixed and applied on the head, and then allowed to stand for 20 minutes;

- Mustard mask on kefir:
The set includes an egg (1 piece), is generatedshock mustard (1 tablespoon) and yogurt (2 tablespoons). Mixed, applied to the head, which is then enveloped PET package and is insulated from the top with a towel. Lasts about thirty minutes and thoroughly washed off with shampoo. For best results it is necessary to repeat this procedure at least once a month (if possible).

- Firming Mask:
the mixture contains mustard powder (1 tablespoon), egg yolk (1 piece), black tea brew (2 tablespoons). Mix all, applied for half an hour and wash off without shampoo. The duration of this procedure for the desired effect - 2 times a week for 2 months.

There is still a very easy recipeand simple, not a lot of bleeding time: 2 tablespoons water, add 1 tbsp. l. favorite mustard and rinse every time the hair after each washing.

Author: Artlife
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