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Tooth Whitening Toothpaste

, 17:31
0 2005

Each of us understands that beauty, youth and healthdepends only on us, on how well we behave in relation to these indicators. With regard especially our smiles, it is initially for our teeth, because they act out a big role in our beauty. Using special, narrow-profile toothpastes, you can do it without much difficulty (only need a personal desire). First protectionist paste appeared in Egypt, and were made on the basis of vinegar, adding pumice (as abrasive cleaning components). In the practical composition of toothpastes having bleaching action include the following materials:

  • Fluoride;
  • Sodium phosphate (0.24%), As a means of caries;
  • Flavors, food (taste) supplements with different flavors (from mint and pine needles to);
  • Preservatives help get rid of the fungus;
  • Foaming agents that are used to remove plaque and food.

Today makes them shine by using in its composition different abrasives (acting like sandpaper, these components remove plaque from the tooth surface), as well as contribute to bleaching. Dentists advise used routinely without toothpaste abrasives as they may erasingbe the soft tissues of the tooth (enamel). The larger the size of the abrasive paste, the sooner will be a violation of wear and tooth enamel. Need to use toothpaste with low abrasiveness. Still there is a fairly wide category pastes for teeth (eg Lakalut) that contain natural ingredients, strengthen and clean enamel, eliminate the bad smell, Defischayut gums. This paste, as President White Plus - for intensive whitening and strengthen tooth enamel. Antitobacco pasta and coffee created for smokers and coffee drinkers. Whitening Plus Splat plaque breaks, relieves tooth sensitivity. But before you buy a paste to consult a doctor, and so as not to hurt yourself.

Author: Artlife
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