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Extract wax worms

, 20:17
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« Weak immune system & raquo ;, - these words are very common and especiallynor relevant for those who have small children. All we really wanted to never get sick, do not know what the flu or SARS, a runny nose or cough, but, unfortunately, not all of our dreams come true. As a rule, those sick people who have a weak immune system. Lead to the disease constant stress, not a balanced diet, environment and ecology.To raise your immunity, there are many different ways: you can certainly buy expensive drugs in pharmacies, « push » a kilogram packs vitamins and fruits and vegetables, you can, of course, all give up and say: « Come what may! & raquo ;. But there is another way to improve your immune system – this extract wax worms.

Beekeepers are well aware that the wax moth - a pest and parasite. If the hive gets wax moth, the bees stop pouring honey, and the uterus does not sow eggs. Cell of this hive, you can throw it away, and all because of the inconspicuous gray panicle wax moth (in narode- bee moth), notomu that its larvae feed on the wax and honey. Of course, bees are struggling with such a dangerous and undesirable neighbor. Even before nightfall, bee protection « lacking sling and butterflies from the hive & raquo ;, sometimes they manage to wall up dolls propolis or eat young larvae in the repair and cleaning of cells, but the problem is that after sunsetsun protection hive stops all sleep peacefully, and moth introduced into the cell.

But, fortunately, wax moth larvae have been applied in the manufacture of liqueurs, which are used in medicine. Tincture prepared the like: freshly poured wax moth larvae alcohol and insist. At a certainproduction stage larvae were removed for aesthetic reasons. Depending on the concentration depends on the amount of alcohol tincture. By the way, if you need ( you can buy it. This liqueur has a very good quality and is an effective treatment for:

- respiratory system (armorYou, pneumonia, tuberculosis);
- cardio - sosudochnoy system (normalizes blood pressure);
- the immune system.

Of course, tincture of the wax moth is not super medicine,   which will cure all diseases, but its application will strengthen your body and make it resist Liu-singular viruses, among other things, this infusion helps with disorders associated with age-related changes in men and women. With this tincture you will always feel   well. Cheers!

Author: Artlife
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