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"Economy-pharmacy" - an indispensable tool for every pensioner

, 17:19
0 2316

Raising the price of drugs was a real blow to pensioners. For them, it – main item of expenditure. Without drugs « the heart & raquo ;, « pressure & raquo ;, « the headache » many people of retirement age is no longer bypassed. But what about when a set of drugs&Laquo; delays » 60% of the total amount of your retirement? The answer is simple: visit the « Cheap drugstore »!

« Economy Pharmacy » &Mdash; one of the most popular projects in 2015. It – Assistant number one for seniors, low-income families, the disabled, large families, and other socialvulnerable citizens. Thanks to him, you can:

- buy « a » a standard set of drugs and thus save about 20-30% of the budget, pledged to buy drugs;

- order any product from domestic and foreign producers;

- to use at any time convenient for you — leave your request on the site and the manager will contact you in online chat or by phone;

- order drugs on pharmacy address near your home, office, educational institution.

Many buyers gOVOR that many Ukrainians « Economy Pharmacy » &Mdash; this is a real chance to get all the necessary medication at an affordable price. With this you can count on prompt delivery. But be careful — Today acts of service the following cities:

- Dnepropetrovsk;

- Kharkov;

- Zaporozhye;

- Nikolaev;

- Kyiv;

- Horn Island.

Expansion of the network of cities will take place in the near future.

Another important itemAdvantage of this pharmacy – consultation of experts. You can ask a certified pharmacists regarding the selection and replacement of a certain group of medicines. It is known that imported expensive cough syrups, we can easily replace drugs with a democratic price – &Laquo; & raquo ;, Mukaltinfor example. What drugs are interchangeable, and which are not, you tell Consultant « Economy Pharmacy ».

Author: Artlife
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