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Early menopause: than it threatens?

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Menopause – this is a normal process in a woman's body. The final line brings it to the biological cycle. Menopause occurs a year after the last menstrual period. This is due to lack of production of estrogen by the ovaries. Against this background, the aging process begins to flow faster. The period of menopause is very individual. Usually, it starts after 45 years. But there are cases when menopause comes sooner. This unexpected guest can bring a lot of uncomfortable “Goodies”.

Why menopause arrives prematurely? What is the threat? How to fix the situation? Why menopause came too early?

Early menopause occurs at the age of 40-45 years. Causes of premature menopause can be different. They can be associated with a genetic predisposition. If the mother or grandmother suffered from early menopause, it can be inherited, along with the rest of the dowry. Often, early menopause becomes a consequence of the treatment. Surgical intervention in relation to the female genital organs, certain medications, radiation oncotherapy can trigger early menopause.


In the area of risk also include:

  • Autoimmune disease
  • the
  • Chronic fatigue
  • the
  • Stress
  • the
  • overexertion
  • the
  • Smoking.

the Onset of early menopause is very expressive and damaging process.

What can this get? What are the consequences of early menopause?

Early menopause brings with it all the things that You do not want to receive. The main guardian of women's beauty, youth and attractiveness is estrogen. Menopause occurs as a result of its deficiency. This deficiency leads to a number of other troubles. As a result of suffering many organs and body systems. Tissue become thinner and less elastic. This leads to vaginal dryness, brittle bones and nails. Faster hair starts to fall out, split and turn gray. Skin color may vary slightly. Appear on the skin age spots and deep wrinkles. Early menopause also affects the cardiovascular and nervous systems.


It can lead to the following consequences:

  • Insomnia
  • the
  • mood Swings
  • the
  • Depression;
  • the
  • Tearfulness
  • the
  • Flushing;
  • the
  • Increased sweating
  • the
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • the
  • Changes in blood pressure.

However, increases the risk of atherosclerosis, heart disease, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Reduced muscle tone may cause incontinence. The consequences of early menopause can lead to rapid aging, early disability, a rapid decrement and the reduction in the duration of life. Side effects early menopause leave a negative impact on sexual and social life of women. But all this can be stopped!


How to stop early menopause?

the climax came as late as possible and did not cause significant damage, you need to take care of yourself. Healthy food, sports and an active lifestyle will have a positive impact on overall health. But this will not be enough to stop the climax. What is to be done?

Many doctors advises to take «». This British vehicle is able to reduce the symptoms of early menopause and prolong youth. "Menopace Original" consists of natural, non-hormonal ingredients. These components enrich the body, allowing it to independently increase the level of estrogen production. This tool has no significant contraindications and quickly demonstrated its effectiveness.
Extend its youth, this will help You "Menopace Original"!


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Author: Artlife
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