MRI: Scho TSE tak that I have an protipozarni?
Magneto resonance imaging (MRI) - TSE method vivchennya structure .! . RSNA organs structures: brain spinal cord I mosku, vnutrishnih organs, cstock, ridge, suglobov, serta I Sudan.
Takozh , magneto resonance mcroskey, Yak on rozdeleni statnot not postupate bops. That Tsey pdhd vykorystovuyutsia in hemolog and cluncky practic VIN castle zastosovuyutsya for producing image cstock I suglobov, especially gallovich hradv.
Chomu MRI?
vdmo od comp utero tomograph there is not vykorystovuyutsia roentgens promen. The fact magneto resonance imaging Vesnina careless. By the way, in . Pid hour holding procedure past znahodytsya in a strong MAGNETOM poli, the fact that electron Metelev first Varto viklasti before I provedennom. To lyudin yea gerela electromagnetic signals, obladnannya prima j, oblabla, Primera pereshkod and on pastaw of trimana difference SBIR image - tomogram.
Ale at magnto-resonance tomograph ? protipozarni:
- absolute;
- vddon.
Absolut protipozarni - CE Stanny, in yakih holding of MRI story zagrozu for life pacta. To them otnosjatsja:
the- NavNet stochnyh Rusu rhythm (cardstemplate) that implantat, that activeuse elektronnym, magntron ABO mechanim Shlyakhov (Sulev pump and, electron implantati serednioho Vuh). the Reason: a pacemaker, yaky pratsyuº in the system to sapito, Mauger roscii radachlorine vipraha Mr-tomograph Yak saracennia serca. Pacemaker “will not give" command SERCO for saracennia I seravi cycle wipage. Magnete field Mauger smeti stimulator in gnsd I srusiti electrode;
- Navnt of metalevih Duroc (gemostatiki cles) sutinah head MOSCU. the Causes: Smmea Duroc POV asana s rizikom poshkodzhennya Sudan scho willice krovotoku ABO thrombosis, sudini. Metelev Scobie not sutinah have dalekomu posleoperazionny period not tak nebezpecne, that scho s hour razvivatsa fpos I formula capsule, Yak Utria bracket in one pollogen;
- Metelev mint storen TLA OCHA mozhut vilicity Yogo poshkodzhennya. the Causes: world war z feromagnetics in MAGNETOM poli perevodyatsya on sprain ltln arm. For example, small studs scrpc I mozhut rozvivati shvidki to 65 km / h I then the stench stout nebezpecne for vsih hto znahodytsya in this primen;
- Needful in reanimating aparatur (mehanna ventilation legend, electric pump and Posen). the Causes: porosus robot aperature.
Vddon protipozarni TSE wypadki scho vimagati Graniczna AmeriNet. Lcuoco likar I fahiz MRI dagnostika together with pacta primaute rsena about neophit MRI. TSE ti situat, if need obseity Ladino, language ako - metal (shrapnel, stuck aglobe, cava fltri, stuck klapany serca, Sudan, stenti).
It is important nobility s yakogo metal vigotovlennya this subject, dwellers oceniti Maglev riziki - ssuv matalavage Ob CTA, vid Yogo z tune, nagrana. Metelev mplant s magnetii wlasciwosci velichayut local, artefakti scho skladny Interpeace images.
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