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Certification of meat products

, 23:30
0 2393

One with the most current trends in modern food science etc.Ethan has a research, development and strengthening of quality control and safety of meat products. It's no secret that today there is a problem with respect to contamination of meat products by foreign substances of chemical origin. There are many manufacturers that are added to meat products substitutes, spices, different additives, hTo save on raw materials. Therefore, the government needs to implement mandatory product certification as a quality control mechanism.

, but rather meat products:   meat, semi-frozen, fresh, chilled, all the animals and birds is carried out in order to establish product quality and acct hat generally established standards.

The state, through the veterinary service to carry out veterinary and sanitary inspection of all parties that the meat comes to the realization of manufacture of meat products. Depending on the timing of availability of products is divided into such that is suitable for consumption up to one month and the period for rodnosti from one month.

The indicators by which the evaluation takes place product quality and safety in consumption is: GOST 30178-96, GOST 27095-86 and GOST 25391-92. Frequency of certification of meat products is carried out according to a set of documents. If conducting product identificationgave a negative result, the manufacturer does not receive a certificate of quality and emu is strictly forbidden to start a raw material in the production, which violates the requirements of security.

Author: Artlife
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