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What characterizes the medical book, and what it is used?

, 13:21
0 1930

Medical book - is a document thatfirst it is also a serious, like your employment history. She is also a lifetime to accompany your employment.

Moreover, any formal inquiry (into the pool, the traffic police, etc.), you will be received much rather, if there is a fairly competently and correctly filled it medical books.

So, the medical record is not just an ordinary formality is the story directly to our health and suitability to any work pretty closely with the people or with a variety of foods.

issued to employees of different professions,as well as organizations and enterprises, when their activity is directly related to the storage and production, transportation and sales of a variety of food, water, education and upbringing of children, household and community   services to the population.

The medical book simply must have:

  • The employees whose work is closely linked to the trafficking of food raw materials and food (food trade companies, catering, food industry, and so on. n.);
  • health workers, as well as educational institutions for children and adolescents (schools, kindergartens, colleges,gymnasium and so on. n.).
  • Employees of public utilities (beauty salons, hairdressers, laundries, hotels and so on. N.);
  • The workers of enterprises,   in line with the trade, quite a variety of goods (shoes, clothes, cosmetics, toys, home appliances, perfumes, AvtoZILapchasti and so on. n.);
  • Workers passenger transport (trolleybus and bus depots, as well as taxis).

Interesting facts

  • medical records should be kept just at the administration of the organization or individual in predprinimatelya and give it to the employee need only upon request. When dismissing an employee or move to another job, it is always a medical book from its owner and necessarily presented already at the new place of work;
  • medical books have an official document directly strict otchetnosminute and give its authorized Rospotrebnadzornye organizations - centers   Epidemiology and Hygiene - to make the results of the mandatory preventive medical examination, and   hygienic certification;
  • Medical holography of book is always subject to, and it should be mandatoryprint directly on the organization of Rospotrebnadzor, which it gave out. They can not be subject to a completely free market, because they are only given when made hygienic training;
  • Medical examinations may be carried out only to the organization of treatment and prevention. The results of all medical examinationsGDSs are entered on the right   page of the same medical books. They are certified by the stamp and seal only to health facilities, and, of course, only the signature of the official who is responsible for the act of a medical examination.

Author: Artlife
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