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Using Acyclovir

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The last few thousand years, that person is his active creative activity on the planet,he himself and everyone around him has changed dramatically. We have reached such heights of science and technology that have 50 years ago might have seemed like science fiction. We are so affect the lives of their own kind, and the planet itself, that his personal opinion can be considered the most developed and dominant organism on the planet. Yes, a person can youchop wood, change the channel of the river, cut through a tunnel in the mountains, and every other way to improve life for themselves by destroying nature, but quite small microscopic virus to all this bravado and power melted away like a speck of dust in the wind. Meanwhile, we have every day, at every turn is surrounded by billions of viral particles. Some of them are caused by virusesnye diseases which are fatal to humans (e.g., Ebola, AIDS, etc.). Other in humans produces lifelong immunity after the disease (such as chicken pox). Others are constantly mutating and again pursued a weakened immunity of the person (eg, viruses or strains of influenza). And there are those who got into the organism peopleovek remain there forever, at times reminding me of themselves outbreaks. These viruses is known to us all the characteristic painful rashes on the lips (in most cases, although the localization of lesions depends on the type of virus) herpes virus. One of the most effective means to combat the virus is similar to that mozhno easy to find at the pharmacy, and the Internet.

What is herpes and how to fight it?

What we are currently at the mention of the term "herpes", ie that the characteristic rash on the lips, in fact, is one of eight, to be exact - the first known medicine herpesvirus . Other types or strains of the familycause genital rash, chickenpox, shingles, mononucleosis, etc. cytomegaly A feature of the virus is its integration into the DNA of the actual neural cells, which means that the output from the body completely impossible. Those problems, which causes cold sores, are a response to the weakening of the immune system and its inability to cope with the actionViy virus. Therefore, the only correct way to fight the virus is to strengthen the immune system, and in the case of reaction manifested - the use of targeting antiviral drugs such as acyclovir.

What is Acyclovir?

From the point of view of genetics, Acyclovir is synthesized analogm a normal component of the DNA chain - deoxyguanosine. Due to the similarity of the molecular structures, acyclovir is the ideal tool for influencing the molecular target spot viral DNA. Penetrating the last, acyclovir actually blocks the synthesis of viral DNA chain, that is, prevents the spread of viral cells and minimizes holduet their number at a level that does not allow active virus to appear. It should be noted that the Acyclovir or prevents the synthesis of viral DNA replication only, while healthy cells completely (or substantially) inert thereto. Acyclovir is the brainchild of the world-famous American chemist and pharmacist, winner KnobLevski award - Gertrude B. Elion.

Application Acyclovir

According to the instructions, Acyclovir is a highly effective means to combat the herpes viruses 1, 2, and 3 types well, or better to say - a simple and genital herpes, shingles, and chicken pox. Depending on the patient, the drug mightut given intravenously, orally and topically (ointment, cream).


The use of Acyclovir

The last few thousand years, that person is his active creative activity on the planet, he and everyone around him has changed dramatically. We have reached such heights of science and technology, the catorye even 50 years ago might have seemed like science fiction. We are so affect the lives of their own kind, and the planet itself, that his personal opinion can be considered the most developed and dominant organism on the planet. Yes, a person can cut down the forest, change the channel of the river, cut through a tunnel in the mountains, and every other way to improve life for themselves atvoid nature, but quite small microscopic virus to all this bravado and power melted away like a speck of dust in the wind. Meanwhile, we have every day, at every turn is surrounded by billions of viral particles. Some cause viral diseases which are fatal to humans (e.g., Ebola, AIDS, etc.). Other people haveovek produces lifelong immunity after the disease (such as chicken pox). Others are constantly mutating and again pursued a weakened immunity of the person (eg, viruses or strains of influenza). And there are those who got into the human body remain there forever, at times reminding me of themselves outbreaks. These viruses include izvestnye us all the characteristic painful rashes on the lips (in most cases, although the localization of lesions depends on the type of virus) herpes virus. One of the most effective means to combat the virus is similar to Acyclovir, the instructions for which can be easily found in pharmacies and on the Internet.

What is herpes and how to fight it?

What we are currently at the mention of the term" herpes ", ie that the characteristic rash on lips, actually is one of the eight - or rather, the first known medicine herpes viruses. Other types or strains of this family cause genital rash, vetryanku, shingles, mononucleosis, etc. cytomegaly A feature of the virus is its integration into the DNA of the actual neural cells, which means that the output from the body completely impossible. Those problems, which causes cold sores, are a response to the weakening of the immune system and its inability to cope with the effect of the virus. Consequently, fdinstvenno the best way to fight the virus is to strengthen the immune system, and in the case of reaction manifested - the use of targeting antiviral drugs such as acyclovir.

What is Acyclovir?

From the point of view of genetics, Acyclovir yavlyaetsI synthesized an analog of the normal component of the DNA chain - deoxyguanosine. Due to the similarity of the molecular structures, acyclovir is the ideal tool for influencing the molecular target spot viral DNA. Penetrating the last, acyclovir actually blocks the synthesis of viral DNA chain, that is, prevents the spread of the virus Cletoto holds and minimizes the number at a level that does not allow active virus to appear. It should be noted that the Acyclovir or prevents the synthesis of viral DNA replication only, while healthy cells completely (or substantially) inert thereto. Acyclovir is the brainchild of the world-famous American chemist anda pharmacist, a Nobel Prize - Gertrude B. Elion.

The use of Acyclovir

According to the instructions, Acyclovir is a highly effective means to combat the herpes viruses 1, 2, and 3 types well, or better to say - a simple and genital herpes, GCOyasyvayuschim zoster and chickenpox. Depending on the patient, the drug can be administered intravenously, orally and topically (ointment, cream).


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Author: Artlife
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