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Sauna - In a healthy body healthy mind!

, 11:09
0 2019

The content of the body clean – it is an axiom that needs no explanation or proof. Everything is so clear: clean body - is the key to your health. Aas the saying goes, a healthy body and spirit will be healthy. And so it is. After visiting the bath or sauna man goes transfigured, spiritualized, head right there « correct » I thought and it seems that the world around you is getting better. It is not surprising that in the new settlements that have arisenthat here and there on the open spaces of our homeland, one of the first buildings is getting a bath. And Odessa is not an exception.

The first public city appeared in the late 19th century, once appeared in the city water supply. And it has become a gathering place for residents of the city not only to wash, but,not least for the citizens of Odessa to communicate with each other, talk and listen to the latest news about peace and war, to share new recipes and learn the price of fish at Privoz. And before that, Russian baths were built here on an individual basis and were small-sized installations, some of which the furnace stoked “ in black & rdquo ;, and in some – “ in a white & rdquo ;. But whatever the Russian bath, the effect of her visit is always positive, despite the low humidity of the air in it that can hinder breathing.

The desire and the need to keep the body clean, probably inherent in human nature itselfeke. To say exactly when any baths, today, no one can. Archaeological surveys suggest the possibility that the first, barely resembling the current bath facilities belong to the Stone Age. Bani arise wherever people lived. Among the Slavic tribes they were called “ Russian bath & rdquo ;, among peoples, Residentialof the north of Europe – Finnish and Turkish residents – hammams.

Despite their similarities, they differ slightly. Today, Finnish sauna (Odessa) is very popular. It is easy to install. Modern man does not amount to much difficulty to build it in his apartment or house. To do this, a specially produced electric heater, creating steam room. But it is much more pleasant to bathe in the company of friends or relatives. For this purpose, any suitable sauna you choose. After all, in essence, they are all the same and differ only in capacity and the range of services. This not only provides a pastime rearHur, well-being, but also brings people together.

No wonder many business conversations poslenadoevshih day surgeries is transferred smoothly to the sauna or steam bath. In a relaxed atmosphere it is easier to understand each other, to negotiate, to find solutions to an issue. And it is not necessary to favoriteyou sauna   had a pool or karaoke. For good result is important steam in the steam room, shower and basin with cool water after her visit and, if possible, therapeutic hot herbal tea. Enjoy your vacation!

Author: Artlife
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