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Compact hairbrush from the "Tangle Teezer"

, 10:46
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no woman knows when she will need to look at 100 % (for example, to go on a date, business meeting, any other event). But what all at once turn his attention and that is always every woman, so is her hair - not dress by Versace, the perfume Chanel No. 5, rings with precious stones, namely, hair. That is why, to look presentable most of the women in haste to comb her hair shikarnye.  But there is one problem - most of the combs are very large and not intermeddle in a lady's handbag. The exit from this situation is to carry a compact brush, which occupies minimum space.


Tangle Teaser Compact Styler

In this case, compact brush hair "Tangle Teaser" under the title "Compact Styler" - it's just the perfect accessory that will easily fit in any purse. By the way, in Russia to buy this comb, you can in the online store: .

Popular this comb was because just a couple of movements of the comb you can put in order practically any hairstyle. "Tangle Teaser Compact Styler" is designed for use with both wet and dry hair.

Today, more and more women wear wigs or resort to hair extensions. The good news is that "Tangle Teaser Compact Styler" also suitable for use with data hair.

But be aware that not only women can benefit from this comb. It can be used by men who need to quickly improve their hair, because it is very small and can easily fit inside the bag for laptop or portfolio.

"Tangle Teaser Compact Styler" is in the colours of the British flag, leopard, pink / black, black, Golden with black, with a pattern of sheep and with a pattern of bows . These combs are produced with a reliable protective cover from the bottom, protecting against damage to the teeth of a comb.

Wish Your hair was always in great shape!

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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