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Artlife in Greece.

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Artlife Greece

For over a year successfully operated service center in the Greek city of Thessaloniki. Despite the difficulties of working in this complex, economically and politically unstable country, Partner, demonstrate high results.

In Service Center
The initiators of the business are residents of Greece and Anna Karina Pogosyan. With the support of leaders of the company service center in Rostov - on - Don Nino Chelnakovoy and Olga Rudenko, a year has done a great job.

Conquerors of the Hellas
Faced with the enormous difficulties in the process of opening the official center of Artlife in Greece and certification of products, partners do not throw up their hands, and every day and worked hard in such a difficult business for a country like Greece.

Diplomas from President Nina Chelnakovoy
Today we can talk about the results worthy of Greek organizations and their leaders.
• Less than a year, and Anna Karina Pogosyan attracted as clients and partners more than 350 people from different countries: Greece, Austria, Norway, Germany, Thailand, Cyprus!
• More than 20 products Artlife passed official certification.
• translated and published in Greek Product Artlife, materials to support the business' first step of success. "
• Open site in Greek.
• In Norway, launched a website and school health, which is held in on-line.
• Regularly conduct training international seminars, using innovative methods of doing business (Skype, the Internet).
• Conducted the first major event for partners - Artlife Academy in Greece.
• Officially opened a service center in Thessaloniki, on the order of Athens.

On stage, the success of the Golden Festival in Limassol

A natural result of Associates - Leaders of the organization was honored on the stage of the Golden Festival success in 2011 in Cyprus. Anna Poghosyan received Gold status director!

Author: Artlife
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