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Scho Takeo keratin and Chom so he potreben our wolosso?

, 10:13
0 1887

In all the videos about reklamnih the funds to care for volosam prison the word keratin. The conditioners, masks, sudi keratin. What TSE actually why I take yoga so potrebu our hair?


Scho tak keratin?

Keratin, nazivayut proten, what is valuim component ngtv, hair the skin. He skladatelja W aminokislot, zaleznosc from which may be slim, have said (in the long Volos), Chi m Yakima (Yak u of I children quiet, who stink easily salivas).


What ruino keratin?

Hair severely Strada when farbound, if harbuval pgmet potreplyut in the cuticle. In result the cuticle potassa (nabua) and eventually KNCV - Rossitsa. As a result, porosus connection'yazok blkv, " a hair is easy lamatina sciatica.

in addition, the cuticle postojati also I am visok temperature. Stink to prizvodit to pereschepina, vtrati vologi lacost. All that carefully to use the Curling iron FeNi, Yak potim can stay without hair in General. Also not all perestaralis s hair sprays, wax, gels Pnimi first, that the Ter of spruyt ruynuvan volosin.

How the reason that laconi stout lamkini and stradaut from nestec keratin, is a hair kerosene. Dodatkow pasma to roots I sotto zbrisati was prirodn. Podbi vantage STA cause hair wipada I pokoju volcano Volkow, especially when vicorian adhesive rechovin for they fxac.


Keratin I voloss rskogo type

Number of keratin in Volos saleit not only from the type of hair, but I push prinadlejnost of the national. So, hair italv specitic countries only 80% skladatelja W keratin. And all because, that they head has got to be zahistu from vplive UV Sonyachna promenu I povinne the hair bootie Knockin I m Yakima.

Propack skladatelja hair W keratin by 90%, and asiatv - up to 95 %. They potrebu hair keratin protection through climate W vframe strong people strong people that drops temperature potra.

the more keratin brunettes, than blondes, because STL hair very easily VDRIVE Anacin promen, and darker, on the contrary, potrebu Slingo protection. Koucheryave mstit hair the less keratin, than straighter.


Yak saponite defcit keratin?

Do diet need dodati m'yaso, Riboud, I pticu all products, that mstate TWAIN blki. Vtams In bere fate in fireblend keratin. That all STI gorgi I pence.

Also need to use funds for cosmetics of keratin, that to wolosso vdevices. After they zastosuvannya laconi staut m'yakyh, sluchanko I Ob mnimi.

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Author: Artlife
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