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About plastic surgery in Ternopil

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Glossy magazines, various television programs popularitybut enhance your physical appearance with plastic surgery. However, in the pursuit of beauty, we lose our individuality and uniqueness. At the same time, the change in appearance encourages people to change in lifestyle, in particular thinking, healthy eating, exercise and the like. If you really consider to do plastic surgery, first consult a specialist for advice and read . For example, in Ternopil such surgical intervention make in the third city hospital. In this article, plastic surgeon of the highest category Vitaly Zhavoronko tell you more about the features of plastic correction.


"We've combined the best of"

- How long have you done plastic surgery?
- the Plastic surgery I do for over 14 years. It should be noted that in this direction I already have a lot of experience. Started its activity I with one month internship in the clinic Zemsky. Subsequently, their knowledge and skills perfected in specialized courses in Kharkiv, Cherkassy, Donetsk, Poland, Germany, Moscow. I have selected the best clinics and schools in certain areas of plastic surgery. For example, in Moscow, in my opinion, better do plastic surgery of the breast, in Germany - plastic surgery of the breast and face in Poland - the tummy tuck surgery and liposuction. We adhered to the principle that nothing is perfect. Each clinic has its own school and its achievements, so I decided to take the best and combine in your hospital. By the way, many of our patients now live and work abroad. Each of them wants to know if he had plastic surgery, so we turn to other professionals for advice. One of the patients in the US, the doctor asked if he did the operation in Switzerland. The specialist sees at once what are the technologies one or the other is made of plastic.

- What types of plastic surgery do you have?
- We make all kinds of plastic surgeries except rhinoplasty. The fact that a nose job people mostly do due to the fact that there are certain misrepresentations or violations of the anatomical character. Such operations must be carried out by otolaryngologists, as they can ensure proper functioning of this body. Do contour plastic surgery, correction of auricles, stomach tucks, blepharoplasty, increase or decrease the Breasts, make the correction by the method of liposuction (body fat removal).


Men are also beginning to worry about their appearance"

- Who are increasingly turning to you - women or men?
- mostly women, although today there are a large percentage of men. In recent years there has been this trend that more men are beginning to monitor their appearance. They want to be toned, so come to us to tighten up the belly, to get rid of wrinkles or to make a plastic face. It is also difficult to single out any one popular type of plastic surgery. In equal amounts make blepharoplasty and facelift men and women, and for the correction of the mammary glands of the abdomen and women. In the winter we do more transactions, in the summer - less, mostly people who live abroad or work there. Recently I came to the examination of the patient, which 10 years ago we increased the mammary glands. I want to see what happens no consequences. This means that the operation is done efficiently.

- There is an idea that big Breasts is the standard of beauty.
- ten years ago, at the breast enlargement was booming. On this occasion I joked that everyone wants to be like Pamela Anderson. But even then I refused many women to too to enlarge breast. In my opinion, the size of the female form should be natural and conform to the figure of a woman. We never immediately after the consultation do not prescribe a particular type of operation. First, find out more about the surgery, ask the woman about planning pregnancies, then ask to consult with relatives or close friends, read articles on the Internet. One more important point. Advise patient to take a sheet, divide it into two parts, one to write all the "pros" Platini operations, and on the other - all against. And if the arguments against it prevail, then it really is better not to do the surgery. Recently there has been also such a trend: many young people come with a belief that has to be done any plastic surgery as a fashion statement or status in society. As a rule, girls 18-29 that have good appearance, but they want to make plastic. We refuse such people. If I can't convince you, then send them to the head of our Department Vasily Kostevich, who also has extensive experience in dealing with patients. Plastic surgery should be carried out as necessary, or for medical reasons, not because it is fashionable. Tomorrow the fashion will change and people will constantly punish myself for not stopping on time. Plastic surgery is not the spare part in the machine that can replace if necessary.

- There is a perception that air travel with implants undesirable. Is this true?
- by the Way, the patient referred to above, a flight attendant. She has almost daily to fly. I myself was wondering how she was feeling. The woman said that during the first flight after the surgery was some discomfort, and now even feels nothing. That is a kind of myth. However, over the breast after plastic surgery needs certain care. Especially if the woman implanted prostheses large mass. Sooner or later gravity will cause sagging of the breast skin. We tell patients about the peculiarities of care for your Breasts. Just want to dispel another myth. There is a perception that every 10 years we need to change the samples. Actually it is not, because the implants have a lifetime warranty. If the patient complies with all the rules care, they will serve her for a very long time. We use implants of the world leaders. Actually plastic surgeons only help a person become more beautiful, but much depends on it. Along with a change in appearance need to change your consciousness and way of life. How you present yourself to the world, so the world will you can perceive.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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