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Perfect eyelashes can increase

, 11:48
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Of the many billboards, posters and the pages of glossy magazines staring at us beauties with luxurious eyelashes. What to do to get perfect lashes? Increase!

Not to say that eyelash extensions - an absolute novelty in the beauty industry. A hundred years ago, theater actress began to use false eyelashes to make the look more expressive. However, “shelf life” such decorations were only a few hours. By the way, the more information you can learn in cosmetology courses: .

Now the method of building and materials for that aesthetic procedures have become much more sophisticated, allowing the lashes to stay longer, and the operations to be absolutely safe for the health and beauty of the eyes.
Look your best with one glance to impress others - every woman's dream.

a Particularly acute desire to be the best of the best on the eve of important life events - a wedding or prom. It is such a solemn event and designed the technology of eyelash extensions. It is that of natural lashes the client (close to their roots) first unit "artificial" (they can be fixed as "bushes", and one at a time. For fastening of the eyelashes, there is a special adhesive based on resins. It is colourless and black: the first noticeable in the eyes, and the second looks like a thin eyeliner.

Artificial beauty rests in the eyes for up to two weeks. The case in the fragility of their natural eyelashes. They are fully grow to its maximum length for 2-3 weeks and then fall out, giving space to the younger generation. However, it is not necessary to wait until the lashes themselves will disappear - it is necessary to remove them in the cabin.


What are you afraid of faux lashes?

  • do Not RUB eyes with hands. And anyway, it would be better if the contact with the eye will be as little as possible.
  • the
  • instead of greasy creams and cosmetic oils for the eyes. Prolonged contact with fatty substances softens the attachment of the cilia.
  • the
  • Sleep is necessary to carefully or at the side or at the back - so less chance in the morning to find all the beauty on the pillow.
  • the
  • Cosmetics and Curling will shorten the life of eyelash extensions.
  •  visit the sauna or bath should be delayed - a couple of harms lash extensions..

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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