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Otolaryngologist (ENT): why do I need to go to him

, 18:25
0 2042

the Man many times throughout my life people sick with respiratory diseases. No less and often a runny nose or sore throat in young children. This happens so often that it's considered to be something trivial and even frivolous. But harmless human sore throat, constant osiplosti, banal pain in the ears and head can all be warning signs of developing serious diseases. By the way, if you are interested in more information about it you will find on the website:


When you need to contact Laura?

If within a couple of days you see the following symptoms, you so, it's time to turn to the otolaryngologist:

  • You feel pain or sore throat:
  • the
  • Your vote is changed or completely lost;
  • the
  • You feel a headache;
  • the
  • there is a pressure above the eyebrows or over the ear;
  • the
  • Constant noise or pain in the ears;
  • the
  • Your hearing is impaired or lost;
  • the
  • are You concerned about a cold.

Which often treats otolaryngologist?

At the Department of otolaryngology commonly treat the following diseases:

  • Otitis media;
  • the
  • Sinusitis;
  • the
  • Rhinitis, rhinosinusitis;
  • Acute respiratory disease; the

  • Tonsillitis (tonsillitis);
  • the
  • Adenoids.

 Why do I need to go to Laura?

“Why go to the doctor if you can at home just poprosili throat“ salt ”or my grandmother's long time proven remedy?&"the Fact is that these diseases have a tendency to reach for years, after moving into the chronic form.

an Ordinary sore throat can be tonsillitis, in which frequent rinsing at home is ineffective because the person treats a symptom (the sore throat), but not disease and its main cause. Here, for example, are very frequent complications of tonsillitis believe peritonsillar abscess, and diseases that relate to cardiovascular system, kidneys, and even joints. The people there is a saying: “sore throat loves to stroke his throat, but she often bites the heart and joints". So at the slightest of the above symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor.


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Author: Artlife
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