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To chogo perform alkogolnie otron?

, 14:17
0 1858

Alcohol - TSE otruta. Naviglio, p CE VI road wine ABO Deshevo gorleku, and those, and other mstit truini for organza alcohol.

Ethanol ocolus in pens to duzhe toksichnyh aldegid, which in turn rozpadayutsya to karbonovykh acids and, after declick Promina reactions tvoryatsya carbon dioxide and water. Yak Promina of soluka Vinica wkra on ethanol (acetaldehyde), which, in vstupuje reacts, utworu alcalde. Osten W podrn strong narrationem recovinyl.


Yak Vinica alkogolnie otron?

there is the toll-pewno clast alcohol, perevedena yakogo perform to alcoholic atrun. In addition clast vypitogo, Yogo stepping zaleite from VCU, stat, vagi, become health protection lyudin, od, z the yakoy shvidky CCB Wapiti of alcohol I skilki Bulo before CIM z demo.

More details about TSE avise can procitati on sit .


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