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Especially the use of funds for the purpose of disinfection in health care

, 13:19
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The use of universaldisinfectants in health care brings both obvious advantages and significant disadvantages. Unlike Russia, the European countries in the use of a single drug for disinfection of different types of surfaces and medical instruments do not practice.

Universal disinfectants: advantagesand cons

Among the sanitary-epidemic measures in health care facilities, providing infectious disease prevention and neutralization of pathogens, the special role given to the disinfection process. After all, literacy and the effectiveness of its life and health depends not only patsienComrade, but also doctors, nurses, orderlies, who are daily in contact with infected material.

In turn, the effectiveness of the disinfection process is also dependent on many factors.

First of all, this:

  • massive colonization facilities;
  • physicochemical yourARISING disinfectants;
  • the nature of the materials, and biological resistance of microorganisms to disinfectants;
  • disinfection treatment method;
  • the duration (exposure);
  • correct use of disinfectants.

What is the disinfection more effective?

In addition, the efficiency can only be comprehensive disinfection, using the funds. In the case of partial disinfection (for example, only the hands of medical personnel) can not eliminate the risk of re-entry of infectious agents through contaminated objects.
At the same time the majority of domestics health care institutions are still prevalent practice of universal disinfectants used simultaneously for different objects, surfaces, and human skin. In fact, the focus on « universality » disinfectants is a sign of lack of professionalism in the most expert disinfectologys health care facilities, insufficient training on these issues - simplification of the disinfection process to the absurd.

Apparently, the massive use of universal habit of disinfectants in health institutions dates back to Soviet times. After all, until recently in the form of alternative disinfectants on targetmu purpose existed. The most common means of disinfection have always been operating on a wide range of micro-organisms and, accordingly, are highly toxic and have a negative effect on human health. For example, one such basic disinfectants, which are still actively used by medical institutions, chlorine -substance is well known for its negative impact on the human body.

The use of so-called universal disinfectants in modern conditions can not be justified, and economic benefits, since it is desirable that their members were rather expensive components, such as aldehydes, alcoholsetc. On the other hand, these drugs are not used in the presence of people in t. H. In wards of patients, while products based on the same substance, for example, on the basis of guanidine or quaternary ammonium compounds (which are less versatile means) may be used in the presence of a person . Finally, no one daresuse a universal disinfectant for the disinfection of the sump, landfill or outdoor restroom - in areas with large concentrations of pathogens.

As the requirements for these funds differ, it is logical to conclude that the disinfection of surfaces and instruments and requires different tools.

At the same databaseoic specialized disinfectants should be a major focus of disinfection:

  • medical instruments;
  • surfaces;
  • human skin;
  • the air.

The most effective and least toxic for disinfection of medical instruments are considered to be smallagent based on active amines and alcohols. This alcoholic preparations (based on isopropyl, ethyl alcohol) is the best for rapid disinfection of instruments to which the medical personnel often have to resort. It is also desirable that these means comprise components that prolong the action of alcohols, for exampleImer, Polihexanide.

special approach to disinfection requires such a group of medical instruments such as endoscopes, because they are quite expensive and difficult from a technical point of view of products. Their optical part is produced from thin polymer fiber components and special adhesives. That is why dezinfektsiya these tools requires a more serious relationship. The chemical formulation of such disinfectants should not cause the destruction of the elements of the tool and at the same time ensure the removal of even the most resistant spore forms of microorganisms. Because of this, some manufacturers of disinfectants are separate, speciallydeveloped, preparations for disinfection of endoscopes.
disinfection of endoscopes recommend starting with a previous dive instrument disinfectant solution, and only then carry them clean from contaminants remaining after the procedure. This preliminary disinfection helps eliminate the risk of infection of medical staffand in the case of tissue damage (by negligence).

In these cases, drugs are often used simultaneously disinfecting and cleaning effect. On the other hand, it should be remembered that the surfactant included in the detergent composition, with prolonged exposure can cause degradation of the polymer optical endoscopes. For Desinfektsii endoscopes is not recommended funds for aldehyde-based, since the substance will facilitate the denaturalization of protein and its transformation into a stable natit on the instrument. As for the disinfection of flexible endoscopes, it is important to remember that in those parts of the instruments are made of heat-sensitive plastics. Therefore, this type of endoscope is not subject to heat treatment, because synthetic materials are destroyed at 60 ° C.

Author: Artlife
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