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Scho Takeo Croft?

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man pragne to vdoskonalennya have vsih napramku, I Silow ViDi sport , vinetka. In Danian hour Shvidko nabua popularnost wanono Nova discipline, Yak nazivaetsa "CrossFit". Given a system trenovane Velika gwav superette middle experts FTEs, lcars, trainers, sportsmen-professionals. Razglyadev in podrouzek, scho Takeo Croft, that perevahy dano system who can, and who do not Varto zaymatysya. By the way, in Moscow sinatica crosta VI can sportzal "".


Scho TSE take?

Pid word “Croft” in the Danian hour resumes sports movement, zasnovane on it baghestani fizichnogo development. Odnochasno I called FTEs compan, Yak zasnovaly 2000 sportsman Greg Glassman Lauren I j'naii. Croft-right delyatsya on a purely schultern, priznachena for people without profesine sportive preparation, and more zkladn, that praktikuet pagetable in Bergamo in magalnyk clah.

Geologos this sports napramku yea Greg Glassman, kolesny profesini gymnast. Perche hall to take crosta CCB vgcreate in Calford in 2001 year. Over 15 years development of new directly in the power sport the world vsomu Bulo vgcreate mayzhe 4 000 SALW, in yakih practicums given system. Have according Cranach (eg, Canad) Croft itsuno inclusions in the program to take for specks zbroynih forces, pagina zagonu. There is the toll-navti of naprapac CrossFit Kids, Rosaline specjalno for kids.

Expert viznachayut Kroft UC system fields of study, razvivaya VSI ficn quality athlete - vitrually, strength, swidth, knuckle, coordination. Wherein zasobi desagana difference Acosta mozhut Buti themselves rsname. Zanyattya conducted by usually vkljuchaet in itself KRUGOV trenovane rsno spraymount, yaki Shvydko smut odne one.


Osnovne principle I rules Kroft

Sprain fanati Croft mozhut renovatia to 12 RSV on week. Rankov zanyattya conducted by usually vkluchaut Silow trenovane, wacher practicewise RSN funkcjonalne navantazhennya - BG, plavannya, SD on velosiped.

the CrossFit System is available in bagatoh options, but klasicnu technique practicewise only in merezhi certifcada trenazhernyi SALW, in yakih trenouth instructors I vydayutsya LANs sportivnym halls, that beauty become calinou seswg merezhi CrossFit Inc. FL mozhut struvite vlsn methods trenovane I ustanavlivat svo? prices.

zanyattya conducted by skladochka iz zagalna of Rosmini, razvivajushhego unit, and also visokointensivne trengo trevally 10-15 min.


Rules trengo:

  • Max intensivnost on skin treumann;
  • Chim castle VI Trenutna, Tim better;
  • Least dochenku mizh right (and better - Yogo, the povna datst);
  • SMA napramku avantogen on skin Sanat.

Sprain prielnice tsogo FTEs-Ruh Krim trengo in Sal praktikuet Croft in the home, vykorystovuyutsia dimanna, pathuwan, striki, right on vitrually, sprinterskoj BG. CrossFit - TSE sche th bike marieve com hunt: home in nternet sportsmen I trenery viladot Novi trenuval programs include, article the video s technau right key, the materials about the correct harchuvannya for desagana nycrama resultat.

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Author: Artlife
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