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The lawyer and his duties

, 22:16
0 2367

And so on the legal profession, we will try to tell Yekaterina Lazareva. The modern world has become much more open than twenty years ago. The rapid development of science, technology, communications and communications destroyed the usual communication barriers between people, information sources, the choice of employment. At the same time it gave impetus to the development of business (both small and largeth), to expand the horizons of cooperation and the number of business contacts. Significantly expanded the legal framework that should govern all relationships between entities (both legal and physical) of business and other spheres of social life, and in general the common people (eg family relationships). Developmente democratic institutions resulted in the protection of the rights of everyone and everything (that is, everything must take place exclusively in the legal course), but either way, there are moments that go beyond the legal field (provoked by intentional or negligent), and therefore subject to the the scope of the trial, with the aim of a legal settlementquestion. In this case, you can not do without the person (or group of people) who will represent anyone's interests in court - the lawyer. The concept of, frankly, not new - since the dawn of democracy in ancient Rome existed Advocacy Institute (not in vain in jurisprudence there is a section of Roman law). The duties of a lawyer, CAauthorized counsel to the legitimate rights and interests include:

- advisory legal support in a particular area;
- assistance in drafting various legal documents;
- participation in the proceedings, as a defender of the responder; < br /> - represent the interests of the subject in state institutions;
-other legal assistance is not limited to legislation.

Since the concept of rights is multifaceted and covers various aspects of society, then the specialization (area of ??activity) lawyers also different. Therefore, every lawyer, depending on the experience, knowledge and employment can be a professional in any departmentnoy law - Procedure, criminal, administrative, family, military, international and other.

Author: Artlife
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