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Truskavets - Ukrainian Baden-Baden

, 18:31
0 2022

Ukrainian health resort       on theirm scale comparable to resorts such as Karlovy Vary, Baden-Baden and Vichy popular among those who want to relax in comfort and improve their health. 14 mineral springs, which are known for their healing properties, located at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains.

What are treated in Truskavets?

Most of all loved by many sources with the name « Naftusya & raquo ;. It is for him to come to rest with kidney and liver. Here are treated and metabolic disorders, and diabetes.

It is equally useful for water and other sources: « Bronislava & raquo ;, « Mary », &Laquo; Edward & raquo ;, « Uzi » and others.

It successfully treat kidney disease such as:

- cystitis and pyelonephritis

- urolithiasis

- sent here and patients with various congenital anomalieskidneys.

Come and treat those who have problems with the digestive system. Mineral water spa   Truskovets   are useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment at the spa helps those who are diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis, gallbladder dyskinesia, variouscolitis, as well as those who suffer from chronic hepatitis and cholecystitis.

are treated here as well diseases of the musculoskeletal system and diseases of the respiratory system.

Spa   Truskavets   is not only famous for its mineral water, but also delightful PrirodaDoi. It is located near the Eastern Carpathians and is surrounded by pine forests. Here, even the air contributes to a speedy recovery. The resort itself is located at an altitude of 350 meters above sea level.

For those who like to combine relaxation with active medical tours, there will be something to see. Near the resort LAYOUTwife two museums. In his spare time, you can take a walk with a tour of the local Catholic churches. Evening - visit one of the SPA centers, which are located directly on the resort.

In Truskovets can come everyone, even without a doctor's referral. The diagnosis will put you on the spot. To conduct obsledotion here have all the necessary equipment, the resort located just own medical laboratories.

When you come to Truskavets?

To be treated here all year round. Spring in Truskavets little cool and calm enough. At this time, Sudand come to those who suffer from obesity and heart disease. In summer it comfortable for those who come to treat diseases of the throat, lungs, as well as urinary tract. Come winter outdoor enthusiasts. Located close to the resorts ski resort.

Settle can be in one of the resorts on the territory of aurorta. For all the rest in the   Truskavets prices   have affordable. Cost per day of rest ranges from 29 to 90 dollars.

Author: Artlife
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